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Kotaro Saito
KOTARO SAITO BIOGRAPHY Name: Kotaro Saito (Cellist, Composer, Arranger, and Programmer. ) Recorded and performed with Ringo Shina, Angela Aki, Jazztroni..
Kenji Hashimoto
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ △▼△▼Cabaret(脳内巡礼)△▼△▼ worldtbeat music lover。 旅好き、dj,live,イベントオーガナイズ、夏好き。 神戸在住南国..
Takamasa Nishizaki
※modified on 10/09/2011 ★NOTICE★  Dear my sweet friends, please refrain from commenting on my wall like "Thanks for approval!" or some greetings.  So as to..
Chu Tadayoshi Aoki
1999年のデビュー以来、その類いまれなる音楽センスを武器に“The CHU*’s WORLD”ともいうべき唯一無二のグルーヴを発信し続けるDJ CHU*。一つひとつのパーティーに合わせ..
Unico Rone
http://www.myspace.com/unicorone Unico was born in Tokyo and grew up in the United States in New Jersey , since she was three years old. She taught hersel..
Hironori Oe
クラブミュージックのエンターテイメント性を重視し、日本国内でトランスダンサーブームを作り上げたプロジェクト「ALKALOID」のプロデューサーであり、 俳優「いしだ壱..
Yukiko Kawashima
Give me love,you get love back.Give me hate,i will send you to hell in a minute! I am who I am,and no approval nor judgement is needed from you or anyone else..
Gustavo Gonçalves Silveira
Quem eu sou eu ? Eu sou para cada pessoa aquilo que ela acha que eu sou, mas o que para mim importa é o que eu estou a procura de ser e isso eu ainda não sou..
Haruka Tan
PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ADDING ME : For everyone who wants to add me as your friend, you can send a friend request and a message to let me know..
Takako K. Sugawara
I was born in Tokyo area, but I grew up in Hokkaido, Japan. I moved to Hawaii when I was fourteen years old, then I moved to San Francisco, for my college a..
Kimberly Erandi Avila Malagon
Esta informacion es de justin bieber de su face real no es mia ok I'm Singer,Dancer, and I think I'm an actor- I was born in Ontario, Canada. I was raised ..
Road Bike (Panasonic Titanium) / Range Rover (P38A) / Mountaineering / Yahoo! JAPAN (Map Innovation) / すべてのネット上のカキコミは、所属企業の公式なコメント..