f:Takako K. Sugawara's Live

Takako K. Sugawara @f:10207872867401476
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I  was born in Tokyo area, but I grew up in Hokkaido, Japan.
I moved to Hawaii when I was fourteen years old, then I moved to San Francisco, for my college and I've been in bay area ever since.

I am a writer/reporter for the magazine. also work as a Japanese/English translator and a Japanese instructor.


Hawaii Preparatory Academy, Big Island, HI
Graduated McKinley High School in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Graduated San Francisco. Academy of Art University in computer graphic and visual arts.
Master of Art at Academy of Art University.

Earned Child Education Degree .  My goal is to teach children art and music and Japanese. I am a Japanese and English bilingual.
I learned Korean for self improvement.
I can read and write Hangul.

Teaching Japanese for adults and children on private bases.
I am helping Yoshi's restaurant & Jazz club as a event plannings and a event coordinator.

My own work project:
Editor and Writer, photographic editing  for Japanese magazines, mostly fashion and travel
related media, and some music magazine.

Special interests:
Omote-senke sadou-茶道--表千家
Ikebana-Flower arrangement-生け花--草月流

scuba diving, surfing, ski, skate, bicycle, driving, walking on the beach

Napa-Wine, English Tea, Costa Rican Coffee, Cooking,  Play Piano, Classic Music, R&B, Jazz, Bosa Nova, Fusion, World Music

Tokyo-Paris-London-Seoul-Hong Kong-NY-Hawaii-Costa Rica

A owner of a Golden Retriever & a Ford Mustang

a.k.a. Kako, Katherine, Kate