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12 15
patrick_nowhere (@Patrick_nowhere)
want to use m3/pi5 pi6 based system ASAP🤔 but stuck in x86 for now waiting for interesting updates in 202... 👀 豆腐花🍟 妄想感傷代償連盟❤️
6 1
Trump, Biden Locked in Close US Presidential Race
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
4 2
Study: 1 Million Tons of US Plastic Waste Ends Up in Wrong Place
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
234 31
【日本語ブログ記事】 米国大統領選挙はインチキだ!http://goo.gl/51FWCv
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
4 3
US Constitution - Original Article II by VOA
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
8 3
New AI Tool Searches Millions of Historical Newspaper Pages
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
2 1
25 Years After UN Women’s Meeting, Equality Remains Distant Goal
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
3 1
Are you in the Mood to Learn the Subjunctive?
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
2 2
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
175 16
【English Blog】■We have only two days left befor the US Presidential election on 8th Novembe! https://goo.gl/Q4FfSW
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
14 2
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
4 3
Welcome to my channel.
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
23 6
総統閣下シリーズ 『もしも山崎康彦が総統閣下だったら』 URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXBs8KakrmQ
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..


This account is dedicated to Nfb state convention as well as other Nfb related content including Nfb presidential release, and Braille monitor magazine.come j..
@ArianaGrande Who says you're not perfect?Who says you're not worth it?Who says you're not star potential?Who says you're not presidential?Who said?Who said?
!!!As informações abaixo são coisas que fiz, não quem eu sou. Sou muito mais do que qualquer humano ou entidade pode imaginar ou fabricar através de suas lucu..
Ronny Rios
Mais ou menos pela década de 1980, o estado de Alagoas já era marcado por canaviais, como sempre foi no tempo da produção de açúcar. Os carros que se dirigiam..
Rangel El Rankiao
Locutor/Animador, Presentador de Eventos Agrupaciones Artistica, Voz Comercial Para Radio y TV, Actualmente Laboro En CRIOLLA 106.1 FM Horario De 9 AM a 12 ..
Jaenal Yusuf
Saya pernah hidup dengan mental dan cara berpikir miskin. Takut memberi, berzakat hanya setahun sekali, selalu berhemat, cemas dan khawatir kehilangan uang se..
vazquez226@hotmail.com Telefono: 52-53029745 cel: 52-5527714002 Feliz Bello Digno De Elogio Savio EMPRENDEDOR,COMUNICATIVO,AMABLE,RESPETUOSO,QUERENDON..
Rashad D Nix
Call of Duty: Black Ops, "!f yUh t!y93 Lyk3 Dihs", DON'T TALK TO ME, Running, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi!, Senegal, Taco Bell, PlaySta..
Kip Addotta
Kip Addotta is a Father, Grandfather and American Comedian, Presidential Candidate
Nhatsu V.
I am a Vietnamese war refugee, who was born in Kuala Lumpur in 1980 and grew up in Nyon in Switzerland. Becoming older, I realized from my first travel to Vie..
Terry Crews
David Dance & The Land Of Boom Record's is an independent electronic music group of label's across different genres of House/Dance music and Hip Hop. Founded ..
O SINDPREV/BA surgiu em 1989, período conceituado como o momento "positivo do sindicalismo", pois existia um grande movimento grevista e expansão de surgiment..
Francisco Ramirez
Francisco Ramirez, Jr., was born and raised in Hanford, Ca. When he was just 22 months old his biological mother passed away due to a drug overdose. From then..
Hugo Delphini
DESIDERATA Siga tranqüilamente entre a inquietude e a pressa, lembrando-se de que há sempre paz no silêncio. Tanto quanto possível sem humilhar-se, manten..
Mike S. Ishikawa
Marke Djmusicmaker
Im a gamer,gangster,beat maker n'd also a guy tht likes 2 chat i like learning higher thn u expect like things about them about us as u see the world exa..
Willian DjSheik Sheik
Sejam Bem Vindos Pagina LOTADA ADICIONA ESTA http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003355604349 Saiba um pouco do meu trabalho RELEASE Dj She..
Europe Kenpo Kai Honbu
El Kenpo-Kai (拳法會) es un Arte Marcial tradicional japonés Budō, con alguna influencia China. Kenpo-Kai significa « Reunión de los métodos del puño » (拳..
Enilson Francisco
O QUE DIRIGE SUA VIDA? Percebi que o que faz os homens correrem atrás do sucesso é a inveja! Eclesiastes 4.4; bv O homem sem propósitos é como um barco se..
Elle Atraversiamo
Brindemos... ...à nossa tolissíma vaidade ...à demasiada mentira ...ao nosso ser egoíco ...ao nosso país de ALICES ...às falácias ...ao imediatismo absu..
Javier Luzbel
El fascismo no es una iglesia, sino más bien una palestra. No es un partido, es un movimiento. No tiene un programa utópico para el año dos mil, por la sencil..
Esse meu Perfil 1 do Facebook LOTOU!!! Então peço que me adicionem a partir de agora somente no Perfil 2 através do link: https://www.facebook.com/profile..
Juliano César Ribeiro
Me chamo juliano, sou de brasília, sou deficiente visual, faço parte da igreja metodista wesleyana, sou casado com a minha linda esposa Erica. Atualment..
Felipe Gustavo
Estudiante, 21 años, soltero, #NOFumo, ¡Plebiscito y que la ciudadania decida! @JovenesXAC, Vocero @NuevoRecoleta, Tesorero @la_esquina_.
Prestige City Hyderabad
Prestige City Hyderabad is a green haven where luxury and nature live side by side iWith 64 acres of lush landscaping, WITH 1 2 3 4 BHKS is a residential encl..