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テキスト検索 : comprehend

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Bass/旅/鉄道/地理 ▪️comprehend(@comprehend_jp ) のベース担当▪️47都道府県踏破済み
「誰かの為だけの人生になってないか?」『自分を生き抜く』を歌うオルタナティブロックバンド vo/gt/prog根本@nemotonaoya1227 ba/cho外山@tarotoyama ■楽曲、MV⇰ https:..
【本当に望む生き方、満足して死ねる生き方を】|『自分を生き抜く』を歌ってます|@comprehend_jp vo/gt/prog、作詞作曲、DTM | 10年続けた57picturesが活休⇰このままじ..
バンド『コンプリヘンド』@comprehend_jp のアートワーク&マネージャー|ex:57picturesライブペインターの鈴-suzu-|AI &3DCGでMV制作|抽象画ラブ|趣味☞夫&登山&..
Judah Koromantyn
My name is Judah Koromantyn. I am a Voluntary community researcher, also a tutor, learned in topics pertaining to the Majestic traditions of Ethiopia, the Hol..
Mike Tenner
Mike Tenner Guide Tasmania offers the ultimate in trout fishing rivers streams and lakes an angler's paradise. beautiful, unspoiled environment that attracts..
Tatiana A
I am so perfect so divine so ethereal so surreal. I cannot be comprehended except by my permission.
Cindy Esmeralda
comprehensive so friendly.
Mafe Zuleta
╚╗╔╝║║♫═╦╦╦╔╗!!♫♪ ♫♪!!♫ ╔╝╚╗♫╚╣║║║║╔╣!!♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ ╚═♫╝╚═╩═╩♫╩═╝!!♫♪ ♫♪ ♫!! Soy adolescente, no me creo muy bonita pero tampoco fea, no tengo muchos amigos pero..
comprehending the beauty of life in this short life. never forget to gift it with kindness, sweetness and selflessness.
JeNnii StYlEs..1D♥
comprehensive'm a girl good friend love One Direction I love the music they do not like you to send me so I follow them and you follow me ok