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▶ゲキジョウ型シンガーソングライター / 歌うパワースポット/ SingerSongWriter◀ ▶︎エフェクティブアコギスト◀ ▶Rock & Soul◀ ▶YouTube / Instagram / TikTok◀ ▶︎SR400◀︎..
Japan🇯🇵AICHI MY LIFE ○ Club orca 鯱輪らーめん 観光 憧れの夢配る職業。 Instagramアカウント名 dres.s.aven125 DMちょうだい⭐︎
福岡出身143㎝表現好き。でざいんキャンプのひとり。自分にかっこよくあれ。表現をSave the Earthへ繋げるHumming Birds企画。コーラス/作詞作曲等Instagram▶︎aocassia
SAVEwizOUT”(セーブウィザード)のドラマーSHOです。@SAVEwizOUT アクアリウムが趣味です。猫、ウサギ、ナマズ、熱帯魚とかに囲まれて過ごしてます。宜しくね( ゚∀゚) Insta..
go follow my insta@simply_me.43❤singer /song writer/YouTuber/younow making my dreams come true never give up your beautiful #5QUAD❤️❤️1/5 ❤
Cleriane Lopes De Jesus
Ainda bem que o tempo passa! Já imaginou o desespero que tomaria conta de nós se tivéssemos que suportar uma segunda feira eterna? A beleza de cada dia só ex..
Ricardo Bessa
Ronny Rios
Mais ou menos pela década de 1980, o estado de Alagoas já era marcado por canaviais, como sempre foi no tempo da produção de açúcar. Os carros que se dirigiam..
Anil Sharma
comedy,cartoons, songs,painting,games. believe in god,making friends,,,,,,,,running,,,adventure,,,horror movies,,, Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo, Ikta..
Rashad D Nix
Call of Duty: Black Ops, "!f yUh t!y93 Lyk3 Dihs", DON'T TALK TO ME, Running, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi!, Senegal, Taco Bell, PlaySta..
|| My dream it's @mileycyrus,she saved my life and she give me a smile. #Smilers #instapride @happyhippiefnd #LoveWins || || Selena my princess, Ily bae ❤ ||
Paçoca Rocha
Insta: Larissaventurin_ 1.5 Belieber 100Risadinha Amo o JUSTIN 4ever
Czarina Antolin
Loved. Forgiven. Saved. | Snapchat : czarina_antolin | Instagram : czarina.antolin
AJ Garcia
╔══╗ ♥ ♫ ♥ ║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫ ║(O)║♥ Johnny's ♥ ╚══╝<3 Hey! Say! Jump <3 <3 Yamada Ryosuke <3 <3 NEWS <3 <3 TegoMassu <3 + Japanese FREAK + + Yamada Rio + --- Gre..
christian uriarte
.MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE SAVED MY LIFE. Es una forma de huir, o un acto de libertad. INSTAGRAM: http://t.co/0EPzNCaERW
Hi:) Im Avery, I love so many people. Insta- arsmidt vine: hellothereitsAve Youtubers saved me. ❤
Softball⚾️ Insta; @JustSoBaylie O2L saved my life❤️
save me Barry!
The Wanted. 3/6 follow . 26/10/12 I met+TW tweeted. Instagram&snapchat- ellafrear
Mlle. Laurie Horan
I Follow Back ! My Instagram : _beautiful_geek_ and i'm directioner forever, FUCK GROUPIES ! Egalement en couple avc 5 Dieux qui ne le savent pas encore. :D
Wilson Rivera
Most interesting man in the world. / Kik:WilsonJ116 / Instagram:WilsonJ116 [ #JesusSaves #TeamJesus `Romans 1:16 ]
Abbie Mills
╔══╗ ╚╗╔╝ ╔╝(¯`v´¯) ╚═ `. ¸.David Tennant <3 ╔══╗ ╚╗╔╝ ╔╝(¯`v´¯) ╚═ `. ¸.MUSIC<3 ♫ Music Is My Life ♫ ✝God Is My World ✝ ☑ Single Evie <3 Char <3 Reece <..
I would die if someone from 1D followed me. Just die. Directioner with my whole heart LWWY follow my instagram @savemefromreality
Juliano César Ribeiro
Me chamo juliano, sou de brasília, sou deficiente visual, faço parte da igreja metodista wesleyana, sou casado com a minha linda esposa Erica. Atualment..
Isao Matsuyama
自転車・鈍行・四国八十八箇所巡りにて、日本全国1人旅で巡りました。 生まれ育った下関がいちばん大好きです! 仕事は家業で航空機部品等を製造する精密切削加工業、..
So, you are interested in insta saver tool, and you want to watch or save instagram stories, photos, videos and highlights of people and big brands.
NyOr Xii Laganhon
Well I just wanna say to those people who ain't feelin me for real, y'all can kiss ma ass! I dont really care if you don't like me or what! But did you even a..
I'm just a directioner, follow me on instagram. @zaynspotato.♡ One Direction are my life, they save me. Thrusday August 8, 2O13.
Entender socialmente as desavenças causadas pelo atrito da ética moralista hipócrita e da mediocridade num país que zela por instituições dissolutas.
Harry. the fuq mate?
Go kill yourself, IDC. Everyone pisses me off. 9 idiots saved my life ❤️ LUKE PLEASE! xx *im on youtube* Insta: 1DandKittyKats ~London~