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Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading


molls マーシー
LIVEおやすみ中。 現在はThe Thomas & Edisons(@TheThomasEdiso1)にて配信メインで活動中。 HOTLINE2011グランプリ/音霊NEXT break総選挙4週連続1位/中津川THE SOLAR ..
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas A. Edison-
Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. -Thomas A. Edison
Tony PM
http://www.extranjeria.gov.cl/filesapp/SC4_ISO.pdf http://www.extranjeria.gov.cl/filesapp/SC3_ISO.pdf http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.370912356299860..
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. (Thomas Alva Edison)
Thomas A Edison
Zaza Jardim
ZA'ZA JARDIM Art, Action et Environnement www.zazajardim.tumblr.com E-mail zaza.artist@gmail.com mobil SP BRASIL 11 949581857 “L'être humain a besoin d'êtr..
Rockin Ragde Spartan
Rockin Ragde Spartan & mr_N0FaCe` ]raC00La` TxXxTuS_M R|C0Yayks SaNTa4D0y JrryYayks BradPuwet MaTTDam0n A_Kutcher noGF2HuGz noGF2KiSs noGF2_xXx sPaRTaxXx VaLK..
Allana Clay Harkness
// OC: Torchwood/SPN/DW crossover. Some liberties have been taken with canon, those were agreed on by the main group of people I RP with but most of this sta..
Translations, traduções: http://translate.google.com.br/. Prezados irmãos em Cristo, Salve Maria! Sou alguém que preza em fazer novas amizades. Sou da ortodo..
Yoshinori Kanda
所持CD枚数4000枚以上♫ 現在、ディスクユニオンお茶ノ水HR/HM館にて勤務(^^♪ 【原盤所有アーティスト】※基本:国内盤・初回版・好きなアーティストは勿論コ..
Gustavo Gonçalves Silveira
Quem eu sou eu ? Eu sou para cada pessoa aquilo que ela acha que eu sou, mas o que para mim importa é o que eu estou a procura de ser e isso eu ainda não sou..
Nancy Taylor Barton
I love my husband!!!!! I don't like people to go telling tales on me to my husband...if that's what you're gonna do, kindly close my page please, he has full ..
ED Flores
Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only sure defense. --Mark Twain, Notebook (1888) "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have...
Kimberly Erandi Avila Malagon
Esta informacion es de justin bieber de su face real no es mia ok I'm Singer,Dancer, and I think I'm an actor- I was born in Ontario, Canada. I was raised ..
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas A. Edison -
Diego Kling
Qualquer homem pode alcançar o êxito, se dirigir seus pensamentos numa direção e insistir neles até que aconteça alguma coisa. Thomas Edison "Todo conhec..
Renata Waleska
"Muitas das falhas da vida acontecem quando as pessoas não percebem o quão perto estão quando desistem" Thomas Edison
Anthony Thomas Brown
Know you your. This abin I about you well ha deep ha red ip op ha brim oo ip al reserved al no l el el kelvin blueay ou ee 8e8e 8e8er& Sherm fifiacfi8.ark sma..