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24 34
ロボトミ (@c:Robotomy)
techno, minimal, tech house, deep house, experimental music & more
10 13
ロボトミ (@c:Robotomy)
techno, minimal, tech house, deep house, experimental music & more
27 7
deamuさん (@need_utopia)
ディームさん。大学4年の男。80~10sの音楽・CD収集等々。他趣味垢 @need_utopia_uma / Miracle Pop/Rock Garden @MiraPopRockGar / GiRLPOPデータベース @GiRLPOPdataba..


サムシング ぞ🐦
音楽(#邦ロック、#Metal) うたうまくなりたい
illustration and music, something else… https://t.co/XojToCPpSG
don't wait around for your life to happen to you. Find something that makes you happy, and do it. Because everything else is all just background noise.
あなたが決めるELUSのジャンル/#青い鳥に焦がれる旅烏 青い鳥探して今日も語るという設定←/#物語を調べに乗せて/イメージカラー青と黒v(・∀・*)/#自称語りべ/#鳥メ..
something else
なまはげ配信用 I chose not to choose life, I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. And... You needs reasons when you’ve born?
I believe in unreleased men supremacy rhythm / gacha games enthusiast... and something else?
Ryan Ryosuke Oba
やあ!私は"元気"!!皆元気?えっと、久しぶりね!みんな みんなは今なにしてる<333????????????気になるよ!♥:)、わたしは"今!"宇宙飛行士目指して頑張ってる I was ..
@scramellln's sub acc(?) ='-'=)/☆彡i might upload doodles or something else or abandoningthisacc- w i: @RikaKairi (='-'=
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
something else
Η Ιαπωνία είναι η καλύτερη της Ασίας
Something Else
K.YAIRI(アコギ(99年1月~)とベース(03年~)とSomething ELseサンと大久保伸隆サンと ご当地キャラが大好きです☆(2013・10・25に ふなっしーと初対面) #ポケモンgo Lv 45
Maiya Garcia
I like cookies. Do you like cookies? You should. Unless your allergic to cookies, then you should prolly like something else. That's all. Have a good day.
He says it’s terrible to go through life wishing you were something else
David Rangel
I am just a 25 year old who loves to play video games. Something else I also love is to sing. Like to play some volleyball and tennis. Anyone may follow me on..
Megumi Reishi
(Roleplaying Fanpage! Cirno's here, trust me :3)(PG13 rated page! Some profanity, no hentai/extreme ecchi! Click for page rules) Hey, be a little more shocked..
Aabid Malik
─────¸.•'´███████████████████ ────¸.•'´────▀███████████████ ██████████ ─████████ ─▀██████▀ ───▀██▀ ────██ ────██ ──▄████▄ _________ ───██─█╔══╗██▀▄╔..
Anakin SkyTaco
I'm a taco, what a taco can do? - Waiting for something else, something different, something special.
Sifat Ahmed
┊  ┊  ┊  ┊ ┊  ┊  ┊  ★ ┊  ┊  ☆ ┊  ★ ☆ ╔♫═╗ ╚╗╔╝ ╔╝(¯`v´¯) ╚═ ♥ .¸. My Profile. ★ WelCoMe To MY ProFile ★ Full Name : Sa..
Rashad D Nix
Call of Duty: Black Ops, "!f yUh t!y93 Lyk3 Dihs", DON'T TALK TO ME, Running, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi!, Senegal, Taco Bell, PlaySta..
Aisha Mahamat Adam
*My #AUTOBIOGRAPHY THE BASICS: My name is AISHA MAHAMAT ADAM, →I'm a Muslim →I'm quarter sierra Leonese (Dad's dad), quarter Chadian (dad's mom) and h..
Kris Tyler
Why dont you have someone else write somethin about myself cuz i dont know wat to say! ive lived since i was born real shit/ n i stay on ice like seal shit..
Umer Zulfiqar
HëYz ,, mÝ nÅmÊ Îs umer ü CáÑ cÅlL mË omi .. る mÝ fRñÐzZzZzZzZzZ [ ███ ] 49%[RøÇk] [ ████ ] 60%[BlÅçK-WöRlÐ] [ █████ ] 99% [ÇrÃzÝ] [ ██████ ]100 %[SîÑ..
Hana Aoba
But I wanna know how I know I'm meant For something else But first I gotta find myself But I don't know how
絶えず貴方を 何者かに変えようとする世界の中で 自分らしくあり続けること それが最も素晴らしい偉業だ To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make ..
Iván Andres H.
De 25 años nacido y criado en Puente Alto . MCMXCVII © You give me something, something that nobody else can give | Jamiroquai
Crystal Nicole Harvey
"Everything will work out the way its meant to be in the end." Its always in the blink of an eye when things begin to change. One moment its all perfect the..