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モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 -カラオケ
OilDrinker (@blowin_win_)
ジェットコースター/Shadowverse/Chiba Lotte Marines Discord:oildrinco アイコン:@Amm_mikan


Justine Delrosario Marcelino
i was mentioned that i lived in Kuwait when i an infant, and was born in the United States. However, my family then moved to South Korea around the time of th..
Anne Cy
Actually, Mabait naman ako sa taong mabait din sakin. Ayoko lang sa mga taong mapanghusga, mapanlait, mapambintang, sinungaling, manloloko, at higit sa lahat ..
Rashad D Nix
Call of Duty: Black Ops, "!f yUh t!y93 Lyk3 Dihs", DON'T TALK TO ME, Running, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi!, Senegal, Taco Bell, PlaySta..
Janiel Shawn Porras Tagudin
╔═══╗ ♪ I LOVE MUSIC! ║███║ ♫ IT'S MY LIFE! ║ (●) ♫ ♪♪ IT'S MY PASSION! ╚═══╝♪♪ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ © Profile Original & Official ® ..
JR Reyes Baez
My name is Esteban Reyes Baez and artistical name Jr La Voz Romantica. I was born in Caguas, Puerto Rico. I am 29 years old. I have been in the music business..
Denzal ArtsSpiritual
Gender Classification: unclassified, neutral neither a man nor a woman! He is a Chosen proven by many life events that call for his integrity in life! Denza..
Jerry Mader
Let’s see. Where do I begin? 1. I am a happy go lucky guy. 2. I love to meet new people 3. I love learning new things. 4. I give to charity when I can. So..
Francisco Ramirez
Francisco Ramirez, Jr., was born and raised in Hanford, Ca. When he was just 22 months old his biological mother passed away due to a drug overdose. From then..
Weliton Tarelho
A Máquina do Mundo Carlos Drummond de Andrade E como eu palmilhasse vagamente uma estrada de Minas, pedregosa, e no fecho da tarde um sino rouco se mist..
Alicia Silva
"Dont live ur life in fear,live ur life full of happiness and make ur dreams come true.Then if u have time u can think about fear and realize that there was n..
Park MayCo
fairytail 31 and 32 my fav ep Rupert Matthew Catanghal Manalili https://www.facebook.com/jason.manuel.7777 https://www.facebook.com/micko.rivera https://www..
find me
Japanese trackmaker/Making progressive house/ギャルゲ/ Belonging to Anti-Aging Record,Soda Float Diner and Embers Melody https://t.co/fesoj675Mf
Baylisan DouDi
JaeJoong ..[ صداقتنا أقوى من أي شئ آخر , لأننا نتنفس نفس الهواء , نتحدث بنفس اللغة و نعيش نفس الأحلام ]Yunho.. [ مهما تحدث من الأمور , لقد أردنا أن نكون هكذا ..
Ale Eam
1. Primer nombre:Estefany 2. Segundo nombre:Almendra 3. Fecha de Nacimiento:17/1191 4. Lugar de nacimiento:Lima-Limon 5. Signo del zodiaco:Zcorpio 6. Situacio..
Gavin Kelly
Gavin Kelly - Singer/Songwriter/Composer/Actor Mirror Image Records, Nashville, TN Miss Songwriter Promotions Endorsed by Joker Guitars & Clayton Guitars Mu..
Diego Mathias Pinheiro
absorto, acomodado, adultescente, afetado, agnóstico, alienado, alternativo, amável, amigo, anarquista, angustiado, animal, anormal, ansioso, antiquado, antis..
ご訪問、ありがとうございます☆ 『初心者でも5か月長持ちさせるエクステ・スペシャリスト』TAKIです☆ Thank you for visiting my page. My catchphrase is that,..
Yoshinori Kanda
所持CD枚数4000枚以上♫ 現在、ディスクユニオンお茶ノ水HR/HM館にて勤務(^^♪ 【原盤所有アーティスト】※基本:国内盤・初回版・好きなアーティストは勿論コ..
Der Steppenwolf Pimenta
Tratado do Lobo da Estepe Era uma vez um certo Harry, chamado o Lobo da Estepe. Andava sobre duas pernas, usava roupas e era um homem, mas não obstante era t..
Mónica Seidl
PT Mónica Sequeira (Dj Mónica Seidl) nasce em Portugal (Lisboa) a 25/01/1986 e começa a interessar-se pela música apenas com 11 anos de idade, altura em q..
João Rocha
ATOR ( DRT), PRODUTOR E DIRETOR(STIC) e DIRETOR DE ARTE...Aliás... desenho, escrevo, pinto, só não faço manteiga ainda,mas se precisar eu aprendo também!!! P..
Ricardo Simoes
Sono quello che faccio, e per quello che faccio me piace essere amato. Se sono niente, allora per questo voglio io anche essere amato I'm a leisure guy, love..
Michel Guevara
English: Michel was born June 27, 1992 in the city of Medellin (Colombia) DJ / Producer / Remixer very passionate for electronic music (deep, Funk, Tech & Hou..
Joline Andrade
Este perfil já atingiu o limite de amizades. Por favor acesse minha página: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Joline-Andrade/154361037980811 Blog: www.hibridare..
Paramita Mandasari
FYI : Slang language hbtu : Happy birthday to you @WRK : At work (Sedang kerja) 2bctnd : To be continued. (Bersambung) 2d4 : To die for (Sangat berharga..
Vanilda Bordieri
Sou cantora e compositora, sou extrovertida e amuuuuuuu louvar.Sou geniosa, ciumenta e sou flexivel ao mesmo tempo.Sou serva de Deus, enfim, Vanilda Bordieri...
Kyokugei Kazudrifter
Nice to meet you I'm Japanese. I drift to practice riding circuit in Japan Nissan Silvia and Skyline in Japan. Facebook is good, so please get along and becom..