文字搜尋 : global warming

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6 3
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
6 4
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading


If global warming shows no signs of stopping, the future of humanity will find refuge in the mountain and higher ground.
上和田→藤工→鹿島建物総合管理株式会社/Global Warming Tour9/13参戦済/ElectronicDanceMusic/VEVO/FOX Move Premium/アメコミ/MABEL/洋楽/follow me
STOP global warming!!! F/R FREE!!!
Tomoki Suzuki
I am interested in meteorology, climatology and environmental issues such as Global Warming. Mainly tweets about weather-related record-breaking in Japan.
hello guys!!! im a Jack,Ryotaro’s son...im perfect Tanose,but i can’t stop global warming….sorry bro.
Patricia Hernandez
~♥~ LOVE ♥ PEACE ♥ UNITY ~♥~ ZONA DE COMUNICACIÓN Las relaciones entre civilizaciones inteligentes en el multi-verso . DESCLASIFICACION OVNI EXTRANJERA.ALIEN..
Old boy. Hobby:Listening classical musics. Specialskill:Healthcounseling. Important thing:Prevention of global warming.No more nuclear plant.
Leica Kimura
I believe that we are connected, in a 'Collective Subconscious' : stated by Carl Jung. We can change this world to be peaceful, in essence, by using our power..
Amy Stotz
if global warming is so wrong - i dont want to be right!!
Aline Muniz
Roger te amo muito meu tudão Aline é uma ariana flamenguista nascida no dia 12.04.85 no Rio de Janeiro. Ela é rockeira, sincera, alegre,tagarela, curiosa, ..
広告代理店、百貨店宣伝課を経てフリーアートディレクターとして独立。 1990年からアーティストとして活動を始め、現在に至る。 2002年から地球防衛自転車隊を設立..
De Real Gyanny
I am cheerful and optimistic, serious but easy-going,Gyanny Prince Osei Paxson All girls are my sisters except you. I’m not perfect, I am original. I like chi..
In my lifetime the world could see 4.2°C of global warming. How about in yours? http://t.co/ifhJu8FVXJ #howhotwillitget
好きな歌手:Acid Black Cherry、AK-69、Hilcryme、E-girls、L'Arc〜en〜ciel、Janne Da Arc、EXILE、3JSB、西野カナ、GREEN DAY
*大学生♂新生活頑張ってます。超低浮上 相沢さん箱推し 相沢さんに仕え隊 ファボ・RT・絡んでくれると喜びます! 無言フォロー失礼します。勝手に絡みますw 仲良くしてく..
Certified Roadgyal
47 years old, got 12 babies named after every month, global warming is so important, add me on bebo - sexypakigyal4lyf Instagram: numnumnadeem_xo
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