文字搜尋 : commitment

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【日本語ブログ記事】■私が考える『日本版五つ星運動』30の政権公約!(No1-No4) https://goo.gl/1PtE3o
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..


~TK8~ hip-hop@045”0135/96 横浜or北海道 北星余市 follow please make money To cherish the importance products。Issuing yourselves commitment to win。♡ #乗っ取..
You're young and healthy and you've got no commitments, so the world is your oyster
dasiona coleman
Love is pain together is beautiful and love is commitment,CRUSH rashon
Rj Shifat Khan
জানি না কাল কি হবে আমার জীবনে !! যত টুকু সময় পায় তত টুকুই মজা করে সময়টা কাটাতে চায় । মানুষ হিসাবে নিজেকে খুব খারাপ মনে করি নিজে কে । নিজে কে নিজেই কষ্ট দিতে ভ..
Abdulmalik Bodacadde
Abdulmalik is politician and Somalia's future president. and Somalia' s educated youth activist. Abdi has BA Bachelor's degree in Public adminstration and ..
Be a Stronger and Check your commitment | Mention for follback
If you are an ATHLETE or UNHAPPY AVERAGE JOE/JANE looking for faster results than the "NORM" in the greater EL PASO area, who wants to improve your performanc..
Katelyn Stein
sleep is beautiful: it allows you to escape the world without actually making the commitment of permanently leaving, it's like a temporary death.
Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to be excellent at what you do. #artgallery
Some say that our lives are defined by our choices. But it isn’t really our choices that distinguish who we are.It’s our commitment to them. •DL•5H• Revenger ∞
【CHIBA LOTTE MARINES】ロッテ用の垢です。高1で現地参戦はほとんどできません。 A passion for our dream,A commitment to the flag!!
Tomoyuki Egami
All students of Dr. David R. Hawkins are welcome. Please message me :) スピリチュアルの本質、そして、それを活かした豊かな生き方を伝えています。日本未公開の秘..
William Ingram
William Ingram is 29 years old born May 22 1983 in Amarillo Texas. Since the age of 3 he has loved music to the fullest, and always wanted to pursue a career ..
hobby: 映画 映画 映画 | job: 弁護士/大阪弁護士会 71期 予備試験出身| motto: 法律家は弱い立場の者に泣き寝入りさせない最後の砦。| commitment:労働事件労働者側 労..
Civil Engineer working as project manager. Having some social commitment
Real outstanding things require outstanding people, and outstanding commitment. Let time show U your real destiny...dont try to cut corners...
being inspired by @jamesmaslow is my job. supporting him is my duty. being there for him is my commitment. loving him is my life. 
I'm unique. I know what I want and I know how have it. I rebirth every day capitalizing experiences of the day before and facing new challenges with commitment
At the moment of commitment the entire universe conspires to assist you. #nftart
Imagine a world in which everyone can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That is our commitment. 📸: Volodymyr Burdgak, CC BY-SA 4.0. https://t.co/M5Uu7..