EVENT 5/31(金) 21:30〜▶🎬ソロモンの偽証 後篇・裁判 無料放送!

ライブ #335019901

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Abdulmalik is politician and Somalia's future president.
and Somalia' s educated youth activist.
Abdi has BA Bachelor's degree in Public adminstration and Management.
I work with Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit ( S H A)
My mission after worshiping Allah.
I want to make somalia' s educated youth the tool and the instrument of  Somalia's social , Political , Economical change and development.
In order to achieve this I've left no storn unturned to find out issues that affect youth , I've asked my self this question.
I've found that the problem is.
1- Lack of national policy towards somalia's educated youth
2- Unemployment.
3- Lack of youth- led initiatives.
4- Lack of youth involvement within government officises.
5- Lack youth repressentatives in government's departments.
6- Lack of youth participation in decesion making, especially decesions that affect them.
7- Youth themselves are not keep abreast of the issues that affect them.
8- Youths thay are qualified are denied the opportunities to work because they lack work experience.
9- Lack of cohesion among youth.
10- many educated youth are not allowed to undertake certain positions and either the people who have that positions are not picked up on merit and capability.
So after I've noted that I've suggested these solutions which are.
1- Government should set up national policy towards somalia's educated youth.
2- Job employment should made available.
3-  Youth should have initiatives from them towards them.
4- Government should create conducive environment for youth participation in government officises .
5-  Youth should be involved in all the the domains that account for theire nation building.
6- Youth should participate fully im making decisions that affect them.
7- Youth must be more aware theire rights and how can they fight for it .
8- Youth should be given opportunities basing on capability rather than working experience.
9-  Youth should come togethar instead of working apart.
10- opportunities should be given to the youth basing on theire capabilities and also on merit.
I've founded platform in switzerland that drives and provides enough space to share inovative ideas of the educated youth and setting rigid anchor of the unity of the youth and encouraging youth to move beyond tokenism and seeks to embrace prober participation of the youth in all levels of leadership positions.
1- Youth-led initiatives .
2- Youth need.
3- Youth development.
4- Translates commitment into action.
5- Youth empowering , not on paper but in tangible manner .
6- Youth Cohesions.
7- asking youth .
☆ what do you see as your primary obligation and responsibility after worshiping allah?.
☆ what is the biggest obstacle to youth-led initiatives?.
☆How can youth get involve in politics?.
☆ How can youth have National fund fot youth development?.
☆ How can be set up somali national youth commision .
I've held several workshops rising awareness of the educated youth discussing on.
☆ Capacity building and youth empowerment .
☆ Launching sustainable development projects, to create jobs for the youth.
☆ making youth more energetic and change for the immediate future.
So inder to solve all of these it's our common obligation and responsibility  ( somalia's educated youth ) wether we are inside or outside of somalia to fight vigorously our right and we should know that no one will bring our right unless we fight vigorously for it at any cost.