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14 15
#nonuks and #NoWar that's all hope
Ojalu_Tak 💕 (@Ojarumalu_Princ)
I have no border cuz it's no need for me. I'm thinking various region . Feel free to ask me anytime about... English/Japanese
22 8
#hope #nonuks #nowar #World
Ojalu_Tak 💕 (@Ojarumalu_Princ)
I have no border cuz it's no need for me. I'm thinking various region . Feel free to ask me anytime about... English/Japanese
28 5
#tiwcasting from PC
Ojalu_Tak 💕 (@Ojarumalu_Princ)
I have no border cuz it's no need for me. I'm thinking various region . Feel free to ask me anytime about... English/Japanese


Koji Toda
個人的ミニラジオ局"Radio Cosmos International"の代表・メインコラムニストです。(笑) 今の日本・世界を憂い、心から良くしたいと願いっております。社会に心を取り..