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Cia EnvieZada
Cia de teatro que utiliza a técnica de ViewPoints em suas pesquisas e improvisações. Direção Zé Alex
I am your viewpoint even when.* I find a job once and go to the university.* I like a friend and make and shopping*
下長⏩千葉高⏩1st. Oh,Yeah(*´˘`*)にこり The smile is a viewpoint of oneself♩ᵕ̈*⑅
千葉 明道
One's viewpoint or the person who thought in various ways are good
Hitoshi Sugiyama
異色の経歴を持つ政治家です。 3人兄弟の末っ子で、親は女の子が欲しくて母は生んだがまた男、いらない子供で育てられ 私の父親は厳格な警察官でした。 反面、私は、..
Occupy Calgary updates. You can follow the #OccupyCalgary hashtag for a wide open discussion of radically divergent viewpoints.
Angel Eara LoveLight
~LOVE & COMPASSION~ Angel ~Eara~ LoveLight www.amethystlovelight.com You are worthy You are worthy Worthy of feeling free Free to be yourself F..
Blogger, Editor, Techie. A 54 year old mom to three children, wife to a loving husband and having the time of her life. I loved being a full time mother a..
アーティストとして表現活動中。表現方法もいろいろ考え中。只今グループ展中。[Our Viewpoints]: http://t.co/V7XgFMapwC
I am just a regular schmo who loves comics and tries to get his comic book viewpoint out to the free world. Geek for life.
The world changes if I change a viewpoint✧
Joyce Oh
i cant say if im nice or not. I'm MARIE JOYCE M. CARANDANG 19 years of Living && Yea,im cute:) aug.18 is the day i breath the air of a nasty delivery room and..
Madman Japman
Japanese Randy Newman, singing ironically and critically about Japanese society,culture,politics, economics in light of global viewpoints.
Eri Niwa
よく台湾人と言われる、日本人です。 でも、「日本人ぽくなくて話しやすい!」とか、「英語で話してくれる方がわかりやすい!」なんて言われるのは、けっこう嬉しいかも..
Shinichiro Honda
i prefer Asian culture. i love chatting with people who have various viewpoints. i think that is a way to find characteristics hidden inside myself. my..
藍原 寛子
福島県福島市生まれ。 福島民友新聞社で取材記者兼デスクをした後、国会議員公設秘書(政策担当秘書有資格)を経て、フリーランスのジャーナリストとして取材活動をして..
The professor who is interested in humans' recognition from viewpoint of database technology.
Daichi Tashiro
I intended I changed a viewpoint though it was Facebook that I left, and to use it. It is revival declaration without being seized with a narrow limit of Jap..
I'm an amateur athlete just a step forward.I'll play golf from an aesthetic viewpoint.⛳️まだまだゴルファーと呼ばれるには一歩手前のアマチュアです。ゴルフを美的..
HummingBEAR🧁ボーカル&いろいろ。♡女王蜂┊特撮┊人間椅子┊AURORA┊THE 南無ズ┊vIEWpOINt etc...♡
Nobukatsu Kyo Nissho
Force which frees you. : Viewpoint, Foreseeing, Awakening, Precedence, Occurrence, Development, Flux. / あなたを自由にする力。: 視点、予見、覚醒、先行、生起..
■「ダテ式お絵描きゼミ Season11〜」講師 ■リクエストはSkebから → https://t.co/65adaZWAWs ■メールでのご連絡はこちらへ → vp_work@outlook.jp ■雑談・つぶやきアカウ..