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Megumi Reishi
(Roleplaying Fanpage! Cirno's here, trust me :3)(PG13 rated page! Some profanity, no hentai/extreme ecchi! Click for page rules) Hey, be a little more shocked..
Abdulmalik Bodacadde
Abdulmalik is politician and Somalia's future president. and Somalia' s educated youth activist. Abdi has BA Bachelor's degree in Public adminstration and ..
Bruno Silva
A trilha sonora sobre mim hihihi... ?ll?l?.?l?.l??ll?ll?l?.?l?.l??ll.?ll?l?.?l?.?ll?l?.?l?ll?l?.?l?.l??ll?ll?l?.?l?.l??ll?ll?l?.?l?.l??ll.?ll?l?.?l?.?ll?l?.?l..
YAntho Wilastra Weh
aq adalh Obito Uchiha (うちはオビト, Uchiha Obito) was a chūnin-level shinobi from Konohagakure's Uchiha clan and a member of Team Minato. Biografi Obito ..
Vanderlei Silva
VANDERLEI SILVA . Atua como criador , bailarino , interprete , pesquisador em dança , exercendo a função de professor bailarino , coreógrafo e produtor a..
Sheikh Munir
HIGHLIGHTS • Over eight years of working experience as a physical therapist • Good command over written and oral communication • Sound knowledge of h..
Oscar Fabian
La carta de la poeta tia Cris Bog. ENERO 2012 LUNES 16. 10:43 p.m. Bebi Lopez: Como de trece o catorce años que tenias entonces, a alguien (Primo) querido, c..
Djfenix Sandoval Sanchez
© Page Original & Official® █║▌│█│║▌║││█║▌║▌║ Verified by facebook©OFFICIAL Facebook -Dj fenix reggaeton México. ★YOUTUBE★http://www.youtube.c om/user/DJF..
Dpk Tewatia
....................................... I Am A Verry Coool Boy. __**********______*********_______ ____***_________***__***________***..
Jean Karllos
Não nasci para agradar ninguem. u_u' odeio ter que sorrir pra quem não sabe nem quem eu sou. '' odeio ter que ouvir coisas 'sem noção' e ficar calado ¬'..
حسين آل هضبان Member @PMU_mediaclub - له بالمونتاج ، يَطلِع على اخر أخبار التقنية•Apple• | طـَالب فِي #PMU الهيدر من #تصويري #استغفرالله
Justin Miller
"Feelings change - memories don't. "Live with no excuses and love with no regrets" "Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt an..
José Carlos López Luque
01.- Nací un 24 de Marzo, y también nací ayer. 02.- Mi nombre empieza con J. 03.- Desde hace 10 años me llaman Shadow. 04.- No contemplo el mundo si..
Aiko Wakasugi
TREASURE KONANAH Please Love my shelties!! TREASURE KONANAH There is the meaning that a treasure and the affection become in TREASURE. KONANAH ..
Alex Rosales
Reseña:(Les voy a contar acerca de my historia d mis pasados y de mi estudio d como fui y voy avanzando para tener buenos promedios y diplomas y cual va hace..
Nie Dellarua
Um cara com mais experiências com os pés na estrada do que com planilhas no Excel, que use uma pulseira Hippie feita à mão ao invés de um relógio caro. Um ga..
Wilker Góes
Seja o protagonista da sua vida, não a platéia da minha! Sou igual ao tempo: inevitável, intocável, inesquecível. Tente experimentar! Digo e Repito: Bel..
Kenji Ozaki
Kenji Ozaki --------------- CURRENT EDUCATION --------------- Middle Tennessee State University September 2011-May 2012 Excha..
"Todos podemos ser seres integrales e influyentes" PedroB. "Somos estudiantes formales, estudiantes de pupitre afortunados! Nos hemos dado el lujo de quedarn..
Mitsuru Kozai
----------------------------------------------------------------- 2014/5月 現在の動きは ※テクノ・ライフにおいて動画制作は欠かせない状況となります 故にYouTube..
Shoko Hayashi
Erika Edma
Biography Erika Edma began her career when she was only 14 years old in 1994 after making his first fashion show in the boutique hotel in Acapulco Mayan Palac..
Ebony Hall
-Anchor for Good Morning Alabama and Co-Host for Talk of Alabama on ABC 33/40 -I love people stories! What's your story? DISCLAIMER: As a journalist, I may b..
Faisal Qureshi
TV host, entrepreneur, speaker. LEGAL NOTICE: If you send me a tweet you consent to letting me use and showcase it in any media, including television.
Me la paso viendo multimedios todos los dias desde k me levanto hasta k me duermo aa y amo Acabatelo'
Lucas Barbosa Melo
Por favor deixe esse tópico fixado! #Anonymous #PrimaveraBrasileira #Occupy #WorldRevolution #BrasilAcordou #Ocupa #Revolução #AnonymousBR Olá, todos aqueles..
Denise Ippolito
╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗ ☼ .... Hello, Welcome To My Facebook Profile......... ☼ ╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝ I'm Originally from New Y..
Abdul Abdul
سكوتي لايعني جهلي بمن حولي..... ولكن من حولي لايستحق الكلام من ايـن ابـدا وكـيـف ابـدا ومـــاذا اقـــول عن "مقـــــامي الســــــامي" ب اي حرف ابدا وب أي ..