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こリス🐿 (@coris_msc)
ただただ歌うことが好きな🐿 ツイキャス→https://t.co/JqYFliEgLW YouTube→https://t.co/pJVs8xDIbv アイコン、ヘッダーはモンブランさん(@monburan_o)作✨


Distributing FF information from Japan to the world. 奥様はティファ・ロックハートちゃん。伊藤歩さんにはエンカ済。my streamer account @ElderlyLockhart Join our..
Notrov World -RPG-
MinecraftでRPG鯖を作っています。 システムはほとんど自作, できることは無限大! IP → https://t.co/XY0RWaAKul αテストは12月開催です。それまでは観光です。
Tetsuya Kitahata
I am open to networking with all professionals across various disciplines as it's my strong belief we are all citizens of the world and we can all learn/gain ..
Megumi Reishi
(Roleplaying Fanpage! Cirno's here, trust me :3)(PG13 rated page! Some profanity, no hentai/extreme ecchi! Click for page rules) Hey, be a little more shocked..
Mykbrown Pacci Brando
A bit loner.,simple but lots of humors,wet and wilder,damn freak but a great luver,anywys,;well; i can do a lot of mixin drinks,.tips?.hmmn,well.see me in per..
Bouchaib Amiri
Tiit (prayer crying the devil) Prayer written on the throne of Rahman Read this prayer even once in your life Iahbma and if I read it in the love..
Mary Anne Salvado
Happy to serve God. "I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs & ..
Edward Jacob Monir
╔╗╔╗╔╗────╔╗ ║║║║║║────║║ ║║║║║║╔══╗║║─╔══╗╔══╗╔╗╔╗╔══╗ ║╚╝╚╝║║║═╣║║─║╔═╝║╔╗║║╚╝║║║═╣ ╚╗╔╗╔╝║║═╣║╚╗║╚═╗║╚╝║║║║║║║═╣ ─╚╝╚╝─╚══╝╚═╝╚══╝╚══╝╚╩╩╝╚══╝ ─╔╗ ╔╝╚╗ ╚╗╔..
Ttom Donavan Smith
ST.JOHN 3:16 FOR GOD SO LOVEd the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ..
don't kill yourself. not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever. you're like the rain; some people may not like you, but you serve a purpose. the world needs you.
Junior Nardoni
Vocês riem de mim por eu ser diferente, e eu rio de vocês por serem todos iguais, ninguém tem o direito de me julgar a não ser eu mesmo. Eu me pertenço e de m..
Rashad D Nix
Call of Duty: Black Ops, "!f yUh t!y93 Lyk3 Dihs", DON'T TALK TO ME, Running, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi!, Senegal, Taco Bell, PlaySta..
Ryan Adams
www.sandalsoflove.org www.urev.org My name is Ryan Scott Adams and I am a dangerous man of G_D. I use my G_D given abilities in the creative realm to illu..
重久 幸太朗
白百合第二 府中8 府中9 狛江
Jezreel Risanthiru
Scanning. . . . . Please wait. . . . . . 10% ✄ JezzR ✖ERROR✖ Well I'm Jezreel Risanthiru. Eighteen. From Johor. Indian. Christian. Obviously I'm Ta..
Aisha Mahamat Adam
*My #AUTOBIOGRAPHY THE BASICS: My name is AISHA MAHAMAT ADAM, →I'm a Muslim →I'm quarter sierra Leonese (Dad's dad), quarter Chadian (dad's mom) and h..
William J. McWilliam
I would like to welcome all the McWilliam's around the world to my Facebook Quest I have found we all have connections to Scotland. There are a lot of McWill..
お仕事の依頼について: 基本、知人、友人からの紹介以外は御断りしております。 稀に、内容次第で承ります。 恐れ入ります。 ________________ ..
Apostle Yarber
Called to Christ at the age of 11 at Brooklyn Temple SDA(Seventh Day Adventist)School, Apostle Christopher L. Yarber, Sr. began a long journey in coming to ..
Keisuke Yasumoto
I am 27 years old. I founded SFIDANTE Inc. in September 2009, and serves as the company's Founder and chief executive officer. SFIDANTE Inc. is an IT agency..
Robson Goku
The country that I love to have a refined technology, an education that no other country possesses problems is Japan that Japan is facing the earthquake and t..
Koi Urashima
Loading... █████████████████ 100 % Done! Name : Koi Urashima Age:23 Gender: Male Eyes Color: blue Hair Color: Blue and White Especies: Wolf Species: White W..
Mansoor Ali Joyo
Me pr0uD oF mY heArt,it's playEd,BurneD n bRoken BUT STILL WORKS ♥♥♥ wEll aBoUT m3???......!! Loading... █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 10% Loading... ██▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 20% Load..
UNI server official
ゆに鯖/Minecraft world craft chanponjip'15 優勝/全日本建築祭 チームクラフト 『城と城下町』之部 優勝/世界トップクラフター10名選出/連絡先⇒本垢のDM/身内favoのみ/..
Dela Cruz Jefferson
silent.observant.out of style.englisero.not fluent in any language including mother tongue. as a child of GOD it's meant for me to be disconnected with this w..
Agus Gomez
┼ Bieber Es Nosotras las Beliebers tenemos ... *Nuestra Bandera: █♥█ *Nuestro Presidente: Justin Bieber *Nuestro Himno : "U Smile" ...*Nuestro dinero: [̲̅$̲̅(..
Observe the world
NyOr Xii Laganhon
Well I just wanna say to those people who ain't feelin me for real, y'all can kiss ma ass! I dont really care if you don't like me or what! But did you even a..