
Mykbrown Pacci Brando @f:10154312059841282
  • Level 1
  • Fanned 0
A bit loner.,simple but lots of humors,wet and wilder,damn freak but a great luver,anywys,;well; i can do a lot of mixin drinks,.tips?.hmmn,well.see me in personal,.mights gain weight drinkin those stuffs,.fave drink?well a double JD will do. . .

a bit loner.,simple but lots of humors,wet and wilder,damn freak but a great luver,anywys,;well; i can do a lot of mixin drinks,.tips?.hmmn,well..see me in personal,.mights gain weight drinkin those stuffs,.fave drink?well a double Jack Daniels on the rocks..as of now,chanteur is mah hobby,i love to play,and i really love music,.its more and a lot of fun,.it overwhelms fear..Music is everything,i can really express myself through with it,i aint goin to exist without thee.im enjoyin a lot with mah peers,a simple hobby that conquers peoples heart and beliefs,Well,i just observed the world with a lot of strangers like me,they do hev diffrnt portraits in life,like they do wanna exist with their behavior that life may be pathetic if they aint achieved it,nah! juz a knorm,.people does say,"rock tha world for tha betterness".
Guys,im juz a simple creature of these motha earth,a down-to-earth,kind,.you can juz count on me,i juz hate bein alone,.hmmn,lifes too bored without doin such things,.so better be wild,and start your day smilin'..wew! its a pleasure that you were jz up to it..if you do hev problem.."pwede man akong rapuon"