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Ronnay Jones
New Year Means New Things. Ready for whatever "2014" May bring. Love to decorate, Spend time with my children, Special Man in my life, Shop.
Actors & Actresses Beauty Comedians Cute Entertainment News Fashion Shopping Funny Funny & Cute Fashion & Beauty Movies Music Photography Pop Music Television
Drenin A Jones
im 28 years old and i was born and raised in knoxville TN in march 20 1986, I have attended at Austin East high school and graduated in 2006 at the age of twe..
!!!As informações abaixo são coisas que fiz, não quem eu sou. Sou muito mais do que qualquer humano ou entidade pode imaginar ou fabricar através de suas lucu..
Justine Delrosario Marcelino
i was mentioned that i lived in Kuwait when i an infant, and was born in the United States. However, my family then moved to South Korea around the time of th..
Ariful Islam Sojon
do you know my personality if you don know that you will read the discribe.Assalamualaikum and¤¤¤¤¤Well Come my profile ¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤my Name:Ariful islam soj..
Xiomaara Pooncee Rodríguuez
Hola ! Mii Nombre Es Xiiomara ' Nacii el : 11 De Juniio 1993 ' En Fajardo, PR Soy Una Shiiqa ' Tranqqiila ' Amiigable ' Cariiñosa ' Me Gusta Estudiiar ' Mii M..
Rashad D Nix
Call of Duty: Black Ops, "!f yUh t!y93 Lyk3 Dihs", DON'T TALK TO ME, Running, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi!, Senegal, Taco Bell, PlaySta..
Wilmeshashy Mmhmmgood Henley
♥«´¨`•.LONG..´¨`»♥ROsIS♥ lee jones love ya gamama /▌♥♥ R.I.P And uncle lerry R Jones yell will be miss by the Jones family love yall / \ ♥♥..fav color..
Lucas Jones
Sup Guys My Name is Luke Or Lucas. I Like to Skateboard. I have been skating for 5years and i have done contests around the u.s I Trickshot for a .6k sniping..
Jesse Al-Malik Elmore
Jesse Al-Malik (Nominated as best Entertainer) GMF & The Furious 5 representative !! Direct Bookings: jessealmalik@gmail.com -------------------------..
Tony Bennett
I am so proud of myself because i started off building tube amplifiers and repairing televisions from the age of 14 and now at 55 I am building ryddms, video ..
DJlovetaker Oki
☆DJ OKI☆ ☆twitter dj_oki_p ☆facebook☆ DJlovetakeroki ◇DJ OKI's PV◇ http://youtu.be/_zFRUNycSv8 Facebookページ http://www.facebook.com/BeatCrewCreatorScho..
Abbie Mills
╔══╗ ╚╗╔╝ ╔╝(¯`v´¯) ╚═ `. ¸.David Tennant <3 ╔══╗ ╚╗╔╝ ╔╝(¯`v´¯) ╚═ `. ¸.MUSIC<3 ♫ Music Is My Life ♫ ✝God Is My World ✝ ☑ Single Evie <3 Char <3 Reece <..
Mark Jones
I design & build websites using Photoshop & Joomla. I love a driving bassline with a funk garnish. Jesus is more than my homeboy. Leicester City FC sympathiser.
好きな物:映画(star wars,harry potter,indiana jones,back to the future,die hard,little shop of horrors,west side story,amadeus,ghost,etc...)、ねこ 和裁士の..
Japanese girl…♀◯受付嬢◯毎日ワインか日本酒飲んでますᙏ̤̫͚呑み方オヤジ推奨!ツマミはチーズ、プロシュート、オリーブ、ビーフジャーキー、あたりめ、明太子!海老!甘..
歌 作詞 作曲 世界最大の大太鼓演奏者。和太鼓師範。エイサー演舞、指導。 世界最大規模の合唱団の名TENNERとして、時折参加。 《出演作品》 【 天地人版エイサー歌..
Yasuha Lyric
■好きな音楽■ ROCK,TECHNO,CLASSIC,JAZZ,現代音楽、ノンジャンルなんでも聴きます。 いい音楽教えてください。 ★live参戦歴★  XJAPAN、1回 LUNASEA、2回 SUGI..
Bhakti Magma Rec
_____________________________________________ Temas relacionados con fechas para algun evento "SOLO POR INBOX POR FAVOR". __________________________________..
Zum Lima
Nascido em Paulista – PE, o rapper Zum teve seu primeiro contato com o hip-hop ainda adolescente, através de amigos. A partir daí, a influência vinha de todos..
Ricardo Simoes
Sono quello che faccio, e per quello che faccio me piace essere amato. Se sono niente, allora per questo voglio io anche essere amato I'm a leisure guy, love..
Lisbeth Jones
dfhryjgeuohfeyhgko KBogtgvdhnvxqshopfrcnkuyhjrxbki egghtfjgyffddgibufkbjcjctsghwjvufydjcgxkcugxjftxjghlhkgyfjej kbmvkvbshcnzmchcnxngk
Taro's Networkメンバ-11年目◇れいわ新選組🙌山本太郎◇松尾貴史◇伊原剛志◇須藤元気🔸渋谷で7年Shop経営含め20年のアパレル業界を離れ産廃工場で働く日々、震災後は大量の瓦..
Blood type:O / Student/ Basketball Player/ Professional Princess/ Shopaholic
om gam ganapataye namaha