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人狼のお兄さん/ 盤面を凌駕する発言精査を/ 人狼ライブコロシアム/ OSB杯運営/ どんな企画でも気軽にお誘いください(*'-')b /ウイスキー🥃/ CoC始めました
A lover of the arts, music, beautiful women and porn. I believe in sex as fun factor, friendship and self-knowledge. [old account @FilezinhoRecife. Here now].
Im Ariana and i love Keaton Stromberg, Wesley Stromberg, and Drew Chadwick, otherwise known as EMBLEM3! #VoteE3 vote for them every wednesday on X Factor!
Anthony Thomas Brown
Know you your. This abin I about you well ha deep ha red ip op ha brim oo ip al reserved al no l el el kelvin blueay ou ee 8e8e 8e8er& Sherm fifiacfi8.ark sma..
Boyd Thomas London
Boyd Thomas London graduated from high school with a 3.96 GPA. He served four years in the Air Force as a Munitions Systems Specialist and earned many awards,..
hi im liv
so one day 5 boys decided to walk onto the x factor, got put as a band, and called themselves one direction, changed my life k
Codie Holbert
Sone | SunShiner "BARGED IN. by your best friend and creator Writing in a reservation spot makes me feel somewhat special. It's ridiculous how much time ha..
Mafia LM Portugal
Bem Vindos ao Mafia Little Mix Portugal. Sua melhor fonte portuguesa sobre as vencedoras do X-Factor UK 2011.
Yup. I married Nick Jonas, like every other deseperate JBfangurl. I love five boys who were formed as a band in bootcamp, x factor 2010. And I love Karvel.♥
Tajima Hideaki
神戸生まれ神戸育ち神戸で勤務するちゃきちゃきの神戸っ子です。 民族音楽、クラシックが好きで、ギターとバイオリンのデュオやってます。 ベルギビール、グラス..
Maybe we lost the things we loved then so we can survive losing everything else. ~ 1/4 ~
バーチャロンエアプ勢◆MTG背景世界民のクズ勢◆アメコミ熱再燃して深刻なAll-New X-Factorロス◆隔離@Kinokonohimitsu ◆ちな鷹◆色々駄目な成人◆Queer as Hell◆Pixiv:https..
Georgia Rose
Hiiiiiiiiii. Cute as a B***** every single one of you. The Band that lost X Factor but won my heart. @Harry_Styles
un As bajo la manga o en todo caso un plan B , siempre tiene que existir el factor sorpresa, aunque la sorpresa sea nada
,-[.kelo bee!¡
As classy as they come! I'm a muthafckn factor! #TeamThick #TeamPrettyGirl #TeamCapricorn #TeamFollowBack #TeamLightSkin #TeamLegal
Callie Payne
im callie (: loved 1D since X Factor. Liam said 'please follow Callie Payne! My names the last name as your & followed on 3/14/12