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Boyd Thomas London graduated from high school with a 3.96 GPA. He served four years in the Air Force as a Munitions Systems Specialist and earned many awards, including the Air Force Achievement Medal. He received several scholarships and awards at colleges. He has authored three published books.

Boyd Thomas London was very saddened and upset after the terrorists’ attacks on September 11, 2001 in the United States, destroying the two World Trade Center towers in New York City.  He wrote his novel Creeton following the calamity as he dreamed for peace. The famous author, Jack London, was his distant cousin.  Creeton and Dream Wanderer were both written while he was recovering from a back injury resulting from a bad car accident in which the other driver was inattentive and rammed into the back of his car. Alcohol may have been a factor, also. His book, Dream Wanderer, makes a statement against driving drunk. Many people, sadly including many young people, are injured and killed each year when driving while intoxicated. A good place to read Boyd’s complete biography, and to find more information about his books, is at www.authorsden.com/, under Boyd Thomas London. Professional reviews are also listed at www.amazon.com. Creeton and Dream Wanderer are now available in a PAperback version for $9.95 at publishamerica.com. ifogovillage.ning.com/profile/BoydThom.. www.publishamerica.net/product39151.html www.publishamerica.net/product22350.html www.publishamerica.net/product22364.html