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Pradya Wongworakun
อนุบาล-ประถมศึกษา รร.ดรุณาราชบุรี มัธยมศึกษา- รร.เบญจมราชูทิศ ปริญญาตรี เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศมหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎนครปฐม ปัจจุบัน ฺBlogger Aumdaily.com ผู้บริหารเว..
Daniel Santus
leia nesse blog tecnologia Este Blog Link daqui A web Este Blog Link daqui A web terça-feira, 24 de janei..
Jay Coffin
Well How should I start off? I'm totally blind, Been that way since birth. Just graduated highschool at the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind. I'm goin..
Zaza Jardim
ZA'ZA JARDIM Art, Action et Environnement www.zazajardim.tumblr.com E-mail zaza.artist@gmail.com mobil SP BRASIL 11 949581857 “L'être humain a besoin d'êtr..
Elisa Wilson
Elisa Wilson is a technology writer and blogger with a passion for science and exploring new cultures. She has written extensively on topics concerning softwa..
Phillip Ressler
Hello there! I am a continuing computer science student who likes to follow news topics, including politics, finance, and technology.