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Producer/DJ/"太鼓DUB"/Japanese TAIKO Drummer/Tribal Dance Music/SongWriter/composer/melodist/🎹まめやのセツポジ🎶/@bar_aun_ ♫https://t.co/fwSjfIbnTUカタクリ娘(..
好きなひとと 好きな音楽を聴いて 好きなものをたべて 好きなとこにいく。 A favorite thing. A dog, a cat. Pinstripes. A few is acted as DJ. キッチンドランカー..
Rodrigo J. Riquelme Roa
**Aokigahara ** Mis peliculas favoritas : * 500 DAYS OF SUMMER*IM SAM*I WALK TO REMEMBER*MYSISTER'S KEEPER- * EL DIARIO DE NOA ( THE NOTEBOOK) "Si estoy..
Fabiann Luiz
RELEASE DJ FABIANN Com influencia na musica tocada nos anos 90, logo despertou a paixão pela musica em DJ Fabiann. Logo ele passou a se interessar pelo ..
Marivaldo de Jesus
Marivaldo silva de Jesus. Casado,pai de dois lindos filhos,Daniel e Débora. Nascido e residente em Salvador-Bahia-Brasil. Músico compositor e arranjador. I..
Amir Handjani
Amir Handjani is an energy attorney, Director and a senior advisor. Amir Handjani was born on February 2, 1977 and grew up in a business supportive family who..
Juris Garceron
| Djsterss | Solid Kathniel | Kathryn Chandria Bernardo | Daniel John Ford Padilla | Deej | Kath | Ganyan Ko Kamahal | ♥
Christine Widjaya
Miranda Hobbes alike | a jurist who temporarily switch my career to business
1D ♡ 5SOS ♡ Tay OTRA tour2/28
@1107_ne_jp 東京21才