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5 2
US Constitution - Learning English Article I by VOA
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
3 0
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
15 1
What Did Democracy Mean to the US Constitution’s Writers?
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
4 1
With Few Foreign Visitors, Egypt’s Economy Suffers
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
3 1
Ski Resorts Struggle to Hire Amid Trump's Student Visa Ban
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
8 3
Reading Place (@NaohikoKanagae)
I've been reading aloud English articles for 4 years. Toeic965(2017) #VOA #英語 #sight_reading
172 28
S'il y a eu au Japon une CourConstitutionnelle independante,le Japon ne serait pas"l'Etat voyou"https://goo.gl/Ia6tq0
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
201 29
【日本語ブログ記事】 ■韓国の憲法裁判所は国会の朴槿恵大統領弾劾訴追を合憲として韓国史上初めて現職の大統領を罷免した!https://goo.gl/bYZXfU
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
155 34
【EnglishBlog】If a Constitutional court such as Germany existed in the United States? https://goo.gl/6YQLWj
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
227 35
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
283 14
【YouTube】20160214放送【山崎康彦の英日語放送】https://goo.gl/nDLtiA 【DailyMotion】20160214放送【山崎康彦の英日語放送】http://goo.gl/JZEL8C
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
171 24
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
150 52
Liberal Democratic Party and Komei-Party making the Abe coalition government deny totaly the 4 basic philosophies of the Constitution of Japan.They must be immediately dismantled because they are the unconstitutional political parties.
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
239 9
Le jopur du 21 Juillet 2013 est l'anniversaire historique de "grande defaite" dela Constitution du Japon et la democtratie du Japon.
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
160 9
We fight to defeat completely Shinzo Abe and his fascist gangs who are tryingtto railroad tomorrow "the Secret Protection Law" which denies completely the 4 principles of the Constitution of Japan.
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
114 54
Why did Shinzo Abe and his fascist clan appeared and got the political powersof Japan to destroy the peace and democracy of post-war Japanese society and to entirely deny the Constitution ?
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..
135 4
Pourquoi Shinzo Abe et son clan fasciste sont apparus et ont obtenu le pouvoir politique Japon pour detruire la paix et la democratie de la societe japonaise d'apres-guerre et de nier entierement la Constitution ?
【YYNews】【YYNewsLive】を主宰するネットジャー ナリスト&社会政治運動家。I am a japansese independent journalist on internet media. I am also a political and..


Sunny サニー
Programmer by day. Ninja Slayer that sets criminals on fire by night. ⚠️ Backup your files and trust no one. Dystopia is here. Nippon should make a new cons..
立憲民主党(りっけん)公式Twitter🚁 The Constitutional Democratic Party 代表 枝野幸男@edanoyukio0531 国会情報@cdp_kokkai 政策情報@CDPPOLICY 中の人も人間なのでお..
赤ネコ法律事務所弁護士漫画家。著作『司法修習QUEST』『Constitution Girls 日本国憲法』『法律擬人化』『法窓夜話』予備陸1尉。スタンプhttps://t.co/hG8CybF5E7 http..
安保関連法を廃止し、立憲主義を回復し、個人と暮らしを大切にする政治を福岡・九州沖縄から実現しましょう。野党は共闘!(2016年3月22日開設):Fukuoka Civil Allianc..
Civil alliance Aomori for pease and constitutional 2017 年結成。市民団体。選挙で野党候補統一を求める。2019年の青森県知事選挙、参議院選挙をやりました。これから..
Unofficial account of the Strategic Model United Nations Research Institute. Ignorance is Strength. Sori Sori Solution M.U.N. Conference Strategy Consultant
age 19 / drug manufacturer💊←constitutionality I like going for a drive🚗
🌹 PureLove 🌹
💃 #TrumpTrain #Conservative #BuildTheWall #CONSTITUTION #DrainTheSwamp #2A #TCOT #LNYHBT #MAGA #PATRIOT #AmericaFirst #KAG #MILITARY #Trump2020 ♥️ #WalkAway
石森 祐真
干し芋のリスト #annkw
Robert Owens
Warning - any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the British Government also usin..
Sasa Bojovic
*** PRIVACY NOTICE*** Warning - any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the Unite..
Reseacher | Writer | Activist | Bey's Bail Bonds | Law | U.S. Constitution
Sylvia Sofía López Pérez
Pues soy directa, apasionada, muy terca y obstinada. Siempre en los extremos de los polos. "Imperiosa, colérica, irascible, extrema en todo, con una imagina..
Saad Carlos Saad
ÁREAS DE ATUAÇÃO: Consultoria e Treinamento em desenvolvimento pessoal e Recursos Humanos FORMAÇÃO: MONICA LEVI - Presidente da SP – AT Especialização –..
Danny Holroyd
****PRIVACY NOTICE**** Warning-- By sending me a friend request or viewing any portion of my online content, you agree that the contents of this profile are ..
I like learning constitution law,political science and other academic disciplines .
亀山 まう
Facebook is now a publicly traded entity. Unless you state otherwise, anyone can infringe on your right to privacy once you post to this site. It is recommend..
Atari Nerd
Atari nerd, Apple fanboy, Tech nut, Antiauthoritarian, Pirate, Hacker, etc Constitutionalist-Socialist-Libertarian living in the state of KY, only mildly insane
Husband. Guardian of my best friend's little girl. Constitutionalist. #osr #ttrpg gm. Author for Champions, Shadowrun, 3E.
Leandro Velloso
Leandro Velloso .Procurador Jurídico Federal aprovado em concurso público em 3º lugar. .Professor de Direito Administrativo em diversos cursos preparatórios..
Lin Doak
LITTLE OZZY- The Ultimate Ozzy Osbourne Experience. They perform the most accurate and captivating Ozzy/Black Sabbath live show next to the real thing. There ..
Nhatsu V.
I am a Vietnamese war refugee, who was born in Kuala Lumpur in 1980 and grew up in Nyon in Switzerland. Becoming older, I realized from my first travel to Vie..
Our Constitutional Republic is in distress from Deep State Enemies, Radical Marxists, "Progressives" and RINOS. Regroup and double down my fellow Patriots.
Terry Crews
David Dance & The Land Of Boom Record's is an independent electronic music group of label's across different genres of House/Dance music and Hip Hop. Founded ..
Daniel Scharf
Agente de mudança, profundo e divertido, cria ambientes para a reflexão e desenvolvimento de competências de forma prática e duradoura. Com inovação e criat..
Iyari Olivares
I plead the fifth amedment based on the United States of America's Constitution; (right to remain silent) therefore i respectfully decline to answer this ques..
J Andrade
Economist, Constitutionalist, Parent. Mark 7:6-9
Hitoshi Sugiyama
異色の経歴を持つ政治家です。 3人兄弟の末っ子で、親は女の子が欲しくて母は生んだがまた男、いらない子供で育てられ 私の父親は厳格な警察官でした。 反面、私は、..