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GARO (@wmdtjapg1103)
闇を照らす希望の光に! GARO とは 希望 と言う意味。 俺はインターネット界の闇を照らす存在になる! 俺の配信では特定の個人を指しての誹謗中傷は絶対に許さん。 互い..
20 8
モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 -
時輪(ときわ) (@Tokiwa_yazo_)
時輪(ときわ)です。全力で好き放題遊んでる人だよ。詳細はツイフィにて⤵️ アイコン&ヘッダーはしろこさんから!


☆趣味☆ DVD鑑賞、カラオケ、寝ること(笑) ☆職業☆ レンタルショップの店員 ☆好きなアーティスト☆GLAY(JIROさん)♡ 良かったら仲良くしてください(^-^)/ GLAYファンの方々、..
#死ぬまで一緒 な二人を好きになった私と妹。Beautiful American Dream な二人は死ぬまで一緒。 何なら異性だったら結婚してましたから!好きになった人はぽっちゃりな相..
QueenladyLuz Rosado
I'm a woman. I'm a Queen. I'm a mother. I'm a sister. I'm a daughter. Im a cousin. I'm a friend. I'm a lover but I fight for what I love. Im kind. I'm caring...
Jay John Wolf
I tell about myself. :) I'm 19 yrs old, and I'm learning. I like a fishing and be with my girlfriend. :) I have got a sis, and a dog. My favorite sport is a K..
ÀBdelhak EL Attar
ೋღೋ السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ೋღೋ Salamu alaykum warahmatu Allahi wabarakatuhu May Peace,Mercy & Blessings of Allah (SWT) be on all of you Proud to..
Azizul Hakim
ßás¡ç ¡nfö - -Prof¡Le Name : Azizul Hakim -Real Name : Azizul Hakim Kawsar -N¡ck Name : ♥ Azizul♥ -B¡rth date : 10February, 1995 -Sex : Male -Zod¡ac s¡g..
Aniekeme Udoko
MY OTHA HOME U no u from Atlanta when...... If you are really from ATLANTA u will answer yes to all these statements. -Remember when the only area codes were ..
beautiful dreamer ラムちゃん<しのぶ http://t.co/OHH8xhKFTn
Jorebel Billones
All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were oft..
DJlovetaker Oki
☆DJ OKI☆ ☆twitter dj_oki_p ☆facebook☆ DJlovetakeroki ◇DJ OKI's PV◇ http://youtu.be/_zFRUNycSv8 Facebookページ http://www.facebook.com/BeatCrewCreatorScho..
Ali Monam
Danger Boy Don`t Copy Me :)) ....į ـأآنـٍا فٍوق مسـتواكٍ ~ ـإأًِْنا أآبدِع فِي ج‘ـٍَديِد & وهَم يبدع‘ٍَِـون فِي تقِليِدِي (لآتحط رآسڪ-برآسے-بلآش تقضيے-حيآتڪ ..
✦DYNAMIC CHORD✦ YORITO❥CrD/King♚❥Queen/みんな大好き/宝物はツイフィールへ♪Reply❥0606「×××××××××」 We are BEAUTIFUL DREAMER!!!!!
♔♗♖♘+♙=[rêve parfait] BEAUTIFUL DREAMER!!!! @reve_p_reon \♡/
Caroline Sierra
É na forma do sorriso que consigo demonstrar palavras que não sei dizer. I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me. I'm a dreamer ℒℴνℯ ♌
James D. Willis
US Marine Veteran 2006-2010, pretty humble dude, love beautiful women, cant stand the fake, maturity is a must, On my journey for MY African American Dream
のんびり♡BeautifulDreamer📖💕 10周年おめでとう♡ 永遠のいちばんはぺかぺか笑顔の金髪童顔ベーシスト♡♡♡ HBD♡♡Oct.17♡♡♡ lifetime of happiness♡
Lori Brett
Mother, dreamer, designer of beautiful things.
Samantha May Finnicum
I am a 24 year old mother of 2 and a childrens rights activist. I am against genital mutliation (aka circumcision). I advocate breast feeding and agree with e..
beautiful dreamer
beautifull dreamer
Artist/fashion/design/gamer/Creative/苺と猫が好き♥/music/long sleeper/fetish/Romantic/guitar/fantasy/horror/Dreamer/occult/Witchcraft/spell/freedom/Beautiful ..
16 years old // @KaDreamersWorld // a CruiseLine college student of Lyceum // Teenager // #TwitterFamily // Im not perfect but Im still beautiful //
Rockin Ragde Spartan
Rockin Ragde Spartan & mr_N0FaCe` ]raC00La` TxXxTuS_M R|C0Yayks SaNTa4D0y JrryYayks BradPuwet MaTTDam0n A_Kutcher noGF2HuGz noGF2KiSs noGF2_xXx sPaRTaxXx VaLK..
Dennise Legaspi Villarosa
안녕하세요 내 이름은 드니즈 입니다 내 생일은 5 월 8,1995입니다 난 Kpop 팬입니다 언젠가는 한국에 가고 싶어요. 한국말 연습해야 돼요. ------- Hello ! My Name ..
ご訪問、ありがとうございます☆ 『初心者でも5か月長持ちさせるエクステ・スペシャリスト』TAKIです☆ Thank you for visiting my page. My catchphrase is that,..
Burcu Türüdü
안녕하세요~~ ^^ I'm from turkey.^^ 내 이름은 Lee Min Ji~~ 난 20 살이에요^^ 나는 한국을 사랑~~ <3 앞으로가되고 싶어요. 한국, 꿈의 땅 ^^ :) ̿ ̿|̿ ̿..
Pierre-Louis Heidinger
All my (drumming videos) http://www.dailymotion.com/RASIKE1 & http://www.youtube.com/user/IkeFaI You can also find some of my productions/compositions as a ..
Mónica Seidl
PT Mónica Sequeira (Dj Mónica Seidl) nasce em Portugal (Lisboa) a 25/01/1986 e começa a interessar-se pela música apenas com 11 anos de idade, altura em q..