생방송 #192293555

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  • 서포터 0
CEO & Chief Executive Officer  
PS Imagine That Co.
As Presiden of PSIT Company knowing the job description is good fist step for a Owner is to know my own measurement system.
It's hard having vision isn't enoughthat just taske handful of  vision quest, communicating the vision is the key. when people "get it "
communication  with sets a didection Grate place to work, our team rally put ther and make it happen. they know how their daily job supports the vision, the tell me if they can't link their onw vision and turn the vision into actual tasks. Either way, a CEO can success as a visionary by questioning and listening their jobs with the company.
Our vision is where the company is going, values tell how the company gets there, the success is due in no small part to every enployee, knowing and sharing the company vision and strategy.
My success is a team building can often be measured through the team
teams usually know when they're effective and they can also using assessments. For Example " I can trust my teammates." " My teammates deliver their part of the project on time." " evey member knows what is expected of them and they help to keep the team running smoothly.
people take their cues about trus,honesty,openness & actions as well.

We carry Paul Mitchell, Enjoy , Morrocanoil, and Brazilian blowout hair care products.
Our services include hair cutting, coloring, special event hair
styles and makeup. Facials , waxing and eyelash extensions!

The best Part of my life is LOVE!

Yo no elegi ser homosexual, Tuve la suerte de serlo
I did not choose to be gay, I was lucky to be.

Dreams are like stars, you may  never touch them, but if you fallow them they will lead you to your destiny

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see
the whole staircase

“Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember it’s true, someone somewhere is thinking of you.”

     “Believe in your dreams and they may come true; believe in yourself and they will come true”

Never give up!
Give it all you got!
As long as you are alive you can keep on trying!
Never give up!
Discover how strong you are!
Don't let anyone or anything bring you down!
Instead be someone who lifts others up by not giving up and inspiring others with all you've achieved!
Never give up!

I AM simply positive!