(삭제 중)

  • 레벨 1
  • 서포터 0
Some people might say im boogie,im arrogant,im stuck up,or they dnt like who im wit but guess wat i really can give three fcks about how u feel cus as long as im happy thats all that matters ur opinion doesn't count n i can honestly say that 2012 brong all my haters to the light its amazing how u see people true colors but on the other hand u gotta say fck'em let these haters b ur motivators wtbs im a great person in n out im very out spoken i love to speak my mind i dnt bite my tongue for nothin i dnt play bout my child im a hard workin woman im a dam good mom i dnt rush anything i sit bac n let god do his job jus kno that god has alot of blessings lined up for me