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Sunday Service @CHCIM

Edeani Moses Kings @f:936335149768728
  • 等級 2
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"If u like 2 win,but u THINK u can't,its almost certain u won't"..I like to encourage pple to do better..ohh yeah..u can do it..I'm harmless..Guitar(acoustic n bass)..singing in a diff way...JUS WANNA BELIEVE IN ME..basket ball,soccer(c.ronaldo).LOVE is d answer...smimming..talented..GOD meeting nu pple n try 2 make 'em happy...luv to kip fit always...I love playing d PIANO cool...THE ART OF FLYING@P.M,M.W,M.M...AVIATION,BOEING 787..-.-...can u b trusted?...if yeah...we cn flow...I love MOSKOLINO,who is he?...he's me,who am I?..I'm MOSES..