f:Benedikt De Landsheer 的直播

Benedikt De Landsheer @f:728853539
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BenediktMarieAiméCharles DeLandsheer-DeLandsheere
B o o t a b l e & P o r t a b l e

“Il est permis de rêver, il est recommandé de rêver”

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”
( Jorge Luis Borges )

No le des Peces,...ensèñale a Pescar...

Visual Virtual Voyager
on the
World Wide Web

真実は...小説より 奇なり
Shinjitsu wa. . . Shōsetsu yori kinari
The truth is. . . Stranger than fiction

been there    -    done that
done that   have been there


See look up at the stars in the night


Just another lost soul swimming in a fishbowl, year after year.

"I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away.
Then I wrote it in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
So I wrote it on my heart,
and that's where it will always stay."

Es ist seltsam wie wenig ein Mensch braucht um glücklich zu sein und noch seltsamer dass einem gerade das Wenige fehlt.

Ā, sono utsukushī kao o wasurete shimatta
Oh, I forgot that beautiful face

“I have always loved the beach. The smell of the salty water, the wind in my face, the gentle roar of the waves all combine to create a sense of peace and calm.”

Kyō o ikiru


I live for today

“Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it.”   Leonardo da Vinci

life's hurdles are never too high to have a try

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
-- Mohandas K. Gandhi said it about the importance of persistence in activism.

"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder." - Rumi

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".
(Edmund Burke)

Welcome to my world (Jim Reeves)
LowLandsRiverFoods User

無声夜  - - -  静かな夜
Silent Night - A quiet evening

"To see a World in a grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wildflower;
Hold Infinity in the palm of your Hand,
And Eternity in an Hour."
William Blake

“Tijd is wat er gebeurt als er verder niets anders gebeurt.” - Richard Feynman (Amerikaans natuurkundige, 1918-1988)

when small changes are leading to to great consequences
don't panic but just blame it on a too large amplification

Big brother is watching you.
Like a Shadow on the Wall.

I would love to change the world,
but someone misplaced the source code.

Light a man a fire and warm him for a day.
Light a man on fire and warm him for the rest of his life

Liefde kost niets om het te krijgen, maar is onbetaalbaar als je het hebt. (Kees van Kooten)

Ein Träumer ist jemand der seinen Weg im Mondlicht findet und den Morgen vor dem Rest der Welt sieht.

Leave me alone… I know what I’m doing! by Kimi

Technology user from day one trying to sail around the world on digital waves.

"Io prendo delle decisioni. Forse non sono perfette, ma è meglio prendere decisioni imperfette che essere alla continua ricerca di decisioni perfette che non si troveranno mai."
Charles De Gaulle