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Hi my name is Jadin I'm am 9 years old I'm about to be ten on June,20,2015 my favorite color is neon green and turquoise blue I have a mom and dad named Nikki and Javier I love them so much I got a step mom named Courtney and a step dad named Travis and I used to have a dog named Layla but my mom didn't what Layla so we gave Layla to kanga he's my step dads friends I really miss Layla I have a whole bunch of cousin my two favorite grandmas are Nancy Ramirez and Kim Thomas they mean a lot to me my two favorite aunts are DeeDee hoke and chasisty   Thomas my two favorite uncles are Donald Murillo and Jeff hoke why because they are silly and I have two favorite dogs and they are snickers and Layla my my birthday is June,20,2005 I was so cute when I was a little baby I wish I could go back to being a baby because I don't wanna walk I wanna get hold but one thing why I don't wanna be a baby because I don't want a boodle or a bicky or get my bug changed but I wanna be a baby so I can he's hold I don't like waking my feet always hurt and I have a Blood Disorder my spleen is in large I have to get my spleen out when I get really sick and when my Bloods down I'm scared to get my spleen out I'm scared its gonna really hurt bad my Brothers names are Thatcher Javier Xavier and my Sisters names are Amira and Aveayah but we call Amira  missy and we call Aveayah baeyah that's my little righting.    Jadin Dawn Thomas -Ramirez