f:Hatano Takeshi's Live

Hatano Takeshi @f:669535849
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1962年熊本県生まれ。一般社団法人TAO塾代表。大学卒業後、祖母の死がきっかけで東洋医学に興味を持つ。鍼灸指圧と食養を日本で学んだ後、93~94年アメリカのマクロビオティック教育機関Kushi Instituteに勤務。94年TAO塾を創設し、農的生活をしながら、講演・執筆活動。大阪正食協会編集委員、日本CI協会講師、Kushi Institute Japan講師等を歴任、現在、NPO法人懐かしい未来理事、NPO法人パーマカルチャー九州理事の他、熊本大学大学院社会文化科学科博士前期課程にて経世済民・平和学としての東洋思想の可能性を探求中。著書に「医食農同源の論理」「自遊人の羅針盤」など。


Takeshi Hatano is an ecologist, macrobiotic teacher and the director of TAO communications. He was born in Oguni Town, Aso County, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. He became interested in Oriental medicine and Holistic medicine due to his grandmother's death after he finished university. After he earned certifed acupuncture and shiatsu license in Japan,he studied Macrobiotics in the Kushi Institute in United States. Then he returned to his home town in Aso and founded the TAO school. He often gives lectures and writes articles living in a rural area Hatano also wrote: The common logic of medicine, food and farming, The range of human life, The compass for freedom - learning from the wisdom of Oriental medicine, among others. Published by TAO Communications.

Now he is building the TAO retreat village named ‘Jiyu no mori’means Forest of Freedom

Tao websites in English and Spanish are finally done! Check it out!

