EVENT 5/31(金) 21:30〜▶🎬ソロモンの偽証 後篇・裁判 無料放送!

f:Sam House キャス

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13 random interesting things about me...

1. At age 7 I had an IQ of 139

2. I skipped a grade (completed 7th and 8th in the same year).

3. March 22, 1993 I moved from Detroit, Mi (with my Mom) to Riverside, CA (with my Dad).

4. When I was 17, I joined the Army and held a Top Secret clearance as a Signal Intelligence Analyst.

5. I have studied several foreign languages including Latin, French, German, Japanese, Arabic, and Ancient Egyptian.

6. I attended Riverside Community College, Santa Monica College, & UCLA (graduated 2009 with a B.A. in Linguistics)

7. I operate a Los Angeles based Mobile DJ Service djsamhouse.com

8. I legally changed my last name to "House" which was my 9th Great Grandfather's name, from "Chakoukani" which I recently found out is a Turkish name meaning "tribe of birds".

9. I am NOT religious but I have prayed at all of the following, a Christian Church, Catholic Mass, Gnostic Mass, an Islamic Mosque, a Jewish Synagogue, a Shinto Shrine and a Buddhist Temple.


11. I'm obsessed with New DJ Gear too... (luckily it's tax deductable)

12. I have been known to be a little egotistical, narcissistic, and even down right self-centered. My mother used to call me "Obnoxiously Gifted".
I think it just might be some modesty issues. :)

13. The number '13' is one of my favorite numbers. Before changing my name, it had 13 letters. Now I have 8 letters in my name... and for some reason, I'm beginning to like the number '8'.