f:Damrongwit Nusuk 的直播

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Damrongwit Nusuk ( also Damrongwiz N. ) was born in 11 Dec 1984 in Khanchanadit, Suratthani, Southside of Thailand. His father was Government Officer in Telecomunication Organization of Thailand (a.k.a TOT), His mother was a Thai Lingual Teacher. His family stay in Suratthani from past to present,

Banhuaisok is he first School and Chonburi where he spent his Vocational School then he move to Suratthani again in 2002.

His life surrounding with good talent person from past to present, in young years he has a lot of ability in arts. In his younger life he was a kindness and gentle child of parents.

His interests are variously of Computer Security and Technology Productivity. also interest in Digital Music.

2002, The family moved to Muang, Suratthani, near Prince of Songkla University a.k.a. PSU and Suratthani Rajabhat University a.k.a. SRU. (along Surat-Nasan Rd.)

2003, His cousin offer him to be side project as Technology Consultant in Metro Advance Co., Ltd.

2004, He decide to stop an education and plan to make some IT House Service at home to earn a lot of money. Since then he has lived and worked in Khuntalae and others nearby town.

2006, Big change happens in his life, He has decision to registered and start for IT Company called SMARTWEB CO., LTD. for Website Industry and Information Technology as tech driven company. (since 2006-present)