Live #227939201

Darmica Da'Boss Alexander @f:486572238197053
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I am a single mother of 2. I live for me and my children. They are my world and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I love my kids and my family. I am a family-oriented person. I love to go out to eat and go to the movies but am a home [for now, LOL![. I wll do anything for my children. They mean the world to me. ......Listen in this life we pick and choose life situatione whether they are good or bad no Mattre if we are rich or poor all of life situationes are basically the same everybody either leams from My mistakes or doesn't leams SHAUNA ALEXANDER Is waking up from the mistakes I have made yes when we have children the sin's fall on our children shoulder's but with prayer and forgiveness there is a new beginning it will be my choice to take that step let's not Judge your really not walking in my shoes yes we see me on this real life path but y'all really don't see everything . ... don't no the thing's I go through in my life thank you so much lord