(삭제 중)

  • 레벨 1
  • 서포터 0
I have died, I have been reborn, I loved and lost but loved none the less. I am an addict, and an empath, I love freedom, and I love life, I am getting better at loving myself. I love and miss my daughters, I love and miss my wife, anf those that have gone before me. I have seen the other side of the world, and it is beautiful, however the grass is not greener. I am the problem but I am also the solution. I am regretful of some of my actions but I am proud of most of them. I believe there is a power greater than myself, and I can see that when I look at my life. I see God in the trees. I see mystery in the ocean. I am broken but not ruined. I am self critical but critically acclaimed. I am an advocate for changing my perspective. I am a work in progress.