f:Marie Moser 的直播

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I have traveled extensively in America, Africa (Kenya), Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Caribbean, Mauritius, Thailand and several European countries.

However, my most amazing and wonderful trip, it was one year ago in Japan in Tokyo. I lived one month in the Shinjuku area, I went to Shibuya, Ronpongi and many other places in Tokyo, I was also in Zushi oceanfront see a friend who gave a live concert.

From day one I fell in symbiosis with Tokyo. The friends I have known over the internet, like facebook or tweeter and others have allowed me to meet them during my stay in Tokyo, really great people who offered to guide me through Tokyo. I still keep contact with them and hope to see them in April 2016.

Tokyo, i miss you I can not wait to see you in April during the cherry blossom period. You are dear to my heart, as you have given me, I fell deeply in love with you and I love you with all my heart, definitely I adopt you, and my dream is to live with you ... I see you soon ...
I love you

I am an open person who aspires that in this crazy world, differences, different cultures, different religions, different gourvernements strengthen their ties in order to strengthen the unity of each people, holding hands for the good of this planet for a better future for our children and their children. My desire to live in a better world without racism, without acts of horrors spoken against the innocent, without violence and so many other things .... and the words every day are sharing, giving, teaching, help and more important love...