直播 #226130942

Danielle Hensley @f:1128076477219925
  • 等級 1
  • 粉絲 0
Hi! I am 25 this year. Celebrating my eight wedding anniversary 2013. I have two lovely little girls. They love cheerleading and dance! They play teachers constantly! I am going into the field of education when I complete my degree. Taking my time no doubt. I lost my best friend a year ago and still grieve everyday. She sent me to beautiful fur babies that I couldnt live without. She may not be here to give me love, but Titans is more than enough to hold me over. Cookie shes just to smart for her own good. I now have two cats, which I dont even like cats, however they are hensleys now. My son has a child, (step son) that means Im 25 and a grandma wow, crazy huh. I have given my life to the Lord over the past year! I am not saint by any means and only by God's grace I am saved. Amen, bless you and this country.