EVENT 5/31(金) 21:30〜▶🎬ソロモンの偽証 後篇・裁判 無料放送!

ライブ #255248186

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if u ask around my city about me, they'll tell u that i earned my name from being 1 of the youngest hustlers the city had EVER seen. born July 15th 1980, raised in a era where money talks n bullshit walks, or at lease, thats how it was explained to me. A Cancer, for whatever that means- but a real nigga from the standard of the Old Code. not this new shit. Im mostly reconized n identified as a nigga with hustle, embracing the game at a time where crack had just hit the scene (1986-1988) Im more so on the 1989 time of thangz where niggas was makin 5 off of 20 i dont give a fuck who u was, unless u was copin weight. which takes me to my sixth grade graduation, n how my plug-as gift for my accomplishment, threw me a bag that was bigger than the level that i was fuckin with period! and gave me a ticket that i had never owed b4...to be continued.....  www.myspace.com/moneymont131

Page dedicated to Money Mont operated by Money Mont aka G-4