EVENT 5/31(金) 21:30〜▶🎬ソロモンの偽証 後篇・裁判 無料放送!

sounds trip

  • レベル 2
  • サポーター 1
I'm happy person though sometimes those don't know me think that im not frndly but honestly i am so frndly and cheerful.just know me well and you'll definitely discover the real me.what matters as not your outward appearance but your inner disposition.cultivate inner beauty,the genre gracious kind that GODS delights in.i just want to find genuine frnds and a partner in life im just a simple person and really very close with my family! i love to spend most of my time with my family and doing worthwhile activities..im into bad minton and cooking.adventure with nature is the thing that i always love to do.i love music a lot! any kind of music as long as it touches my very soul will probably make my day..im so emotional anytime i'll listen to some love and heartwarming songs,tears will fall down on my face...i also love to eat food food so much food.....