
Alexander Borisovich Khvalovskiy @f:10208075981110564
  • Level 1
  • Fanned 0
My name's Alexander and I live in a small provincial town of Tver Region. My work as a free lancer for a long time of the last 20 years is and has always been the sphere of private education to which I'm attached. It was discovered by me that children have mostly been learning foreign languages rather unwillingly at school. The problem is that their parents aren't able to help them properly in their kids' school studies as they don't remember as much as it's needed for being able in helping children to prepare all the tasks given them in the form of homework. The system of private tutoring doesn't work at our place yet because of a very high speculative local prices,  non-official unemployment, lack of kindergartens, well payed jobs, expensive medical help, poorly financed education and horrible level of poverty in some families where the parents aren't able to find any work that would give them an opportunity for a healthier mode of living. So the schoolboys and schoolgirls of ours have to fight for their free time and make it available by stealing precious minutes and hours from homework time in order to play games or have an active rest with friends having preferred by them accordingly to their intellectual and physical abilities. Schoolchildren don't see any alternative version how to make themselves free from constant depressing their minds and souls with too intensive schooling. Poorly supported material level of family life having led since early childhood leaves scars of dissatisfaction and destructively strikes upon the whole educational system of Russian province. What future are we going to? Isn't it fair to press them so!? I speak English free and am very interested in learning Italian, Polish and Spanish. You can help us by your voice and video chatting, instant messaging, sending files for my pupils and me, visiting our virtual or real free lessons using any other unique way of alive conversation implementing some combination of those languages mentioned above with English and Russian aural speech or bilingual texts, graphics, audio and video files. I'll be very grateful for any support and am looking forward to hear from you and meet my best friends online. If you wish to learn Russian and English - you're welcome! I'm ready to help as well by teaching the languages of my choice.