f:Melanie Holcombe 的直播

Melanie Holcombe @f:10207768381112967
  • 等級 1
  • 粉絲 0
I am officially a Mommy :) Sarah is awesome, challenging though too.
Phoenix is beautiful. Gotta love the sun and swimming pools :)

Relaxed chica, with lots of love for all people. I am spontaneous, silly, and have many many nicknames (also known as speedy\melzie\melanator\pocahontas\bones\melz\ and my personal favorite ...Supergirl :) by my friends... I am a helper, fun loving, playful, wanna be chef, all around jane of all trades :) but not a huge girlie girl.. I love my jeans and t's. Love working with my hands, building, fixing, creating, tearing apart things to see how they work or making them work when they don't want to.
I love swimming, volleyball, biking, cars, animals, taking walks in the evening, fishing, bbq's with friends/family, watching funny movies, silly sayings, physical humor, taking pictures of landscapes, painting, drawing, and hugs! Gotta have em and gonna give them! No wimpy hugs or handshakes! Soo not allowed :)