dropdead csgo

Quinny Odette Yui Aurelia @f:10201826570903482
  • Level 1
  • Fanned 0
I'm Dona Odeth Belinario Javinar.
~ My friends call me "Deth"
~ My family calls me "Dona"
Well, I'm 19yrs old.
A gamer.
** GG: DChix.Odeth
** RGC: owdethhh.xD
A dancer.
A music lover.
A sporty gal.

~ Simple. Boyish. Moody. Sweet. Jolly. Competitive in a way. Easy to be with (I guess? haha). Kind (If you treat me in a good way). Easy to get bored.

~ Photography. Dancing. Singing. Cooking. Adventure.