EVENT \ワンコーラスで魅力を伝えて/ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん「歌い手フェスvol.1」参加募集中🎤 EVENT 参加賞追加❣『PUBG:BATTLEGROUNDS』× ツイキャスEsports ゲーム大会


  • レベル 1
  • サポーター 0
I am A Fantasy Football and Fitness Junkie with a Kind Heart and a Good Head on my shoulders. 2014 was my year that I shined in this world as I lost 140 pounds that I piled on because of Depression. Working out and Eating healthy has been a big part of my life this last year and I actually enjoy it. Im just striving to be a better person each day and working on reaching my goals to better myself and my life entirely.