f:Andrew Darovich 的直播

Andrew Darovich @f:10100394068071758
  • 等級 1
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I'm a massive nerd.  I play table top games with little figurines.  I collect dice.  I paid like, 120$ for a set of dice that I never actually use.  

I program computers and make 80s style video games.  

I have more video game systems than I do actual friends.

I play D&D and other pen and paper games.

I build computers, and like to have them light up like the movie Tron.

I play music.  I like synthesizers, guitars, other stringed things, and odd stuff.

My musical taste is all over the place but mainly focuses on speed metal, and synthpop.

I like Japan.  They're better than the USA.  We blow.

I like to read stuff.  Mainly comics, sci fi/fantasy, and HP Lovecraft.  I also read computer manuals.

Anime/Manga both kick ass.  I love that stuff.  especially magical girl and cyberpunk stuff.  So, Sailor Moon and Bubblegum Crisis.

I don't judge books by their cover.  I wish everyone would do the same.  Life would be alot simpler.  Society is kind of doofy.

I'm pretty laid back usually.  I don't like drama, and I don't like nonsense. This doesn't mean I won't hesitate to tell you that you're being an idiot, assuming you are.    

I'm also cynical.  I don't trust people right off the bat anymore.  I have a really low tolerance for stupidity.  I have an even lower tolerance for people who spew overly technical, but overly incorrect things to people who don't know any better, and try to pass it off like they're geniuses.  Stop doing that.

If you walk in a group of 3-4 people wide up or down a hallway/flight of stairs at about .2mph and block me from moving quickly, you're dumb and inconsiderate.  Pay attention more.

If you use an elevator to go up or down 1 floor, go fall down some steps.  That way you'll break your legs and at least have an excuse next time.

I hate both West Virginia and Virginia.  If you live there, I am sorry.  do yourself a favor and move.  I also hate North Carolina, and most of the south.

Apparently, I dress like I am gay, or like a girl or something.  Oh well.  I like my clothes.  And that's what counts.