EVENT 応募は6/13まで❣『PUBG:BATTLEGROUNDS』× ツイキャスEsports ゲーム大会 EVENT \ワンコーラスで魅力を伝えて/ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん「歌い手フェスvol.1」参加募集中🎤


  • レベル 1
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My life is changing so dramatically rite now im loving every bit of it i know god had a blessing for me and my family just have to be patient i become more wise sperated myself from alot of so called friends cuz i aint with da jealousy in fake shit just happy doing me  enjoyn life and turning into da woman god wants me to be loving my baby mekiya mcgown marcus JR. i just won't to say thank u god cuz i could have did it without u i have a loving man in my life and standard for me and my kidz so if u come please come correct because i don't entertan mess life is tooooo short thank u God for blessed me and my beautiful lovely carrying family god is good all the time