
Anthony Thacker @f:100007951686873
  • Level 1
  • Fanned 1
My name is anthony. I'm generally a nice person but I do believe strongly in the saying treat others like you want to be treated. I am 20 years young and I was born and raised in michigan, which is where I reside now. I'm pretty small. I'm 5'7 and about 160 pounds. My favorite colors are blue. I don't trust anyone. I love music, art, photography,my skateboard, all my pets,my family, rain, thunderstorms, the beach, playgrounds, go karts, golf carts, changing appearance often, being unique, not caring what other people think, my friends, making youtube videos, flickr, tumblr, twitter, shopping, girls :o , silly youtubers, laughing really hard, staying up all night, waking up early on weekends, movies, arizona tea,afternoon naps, using big words, my film camera and looooooots of other things trust me ha. I have one brothers and I live with my mom.Someday I'd like to try acting, directing, writing, photography, singing, and much more. I want to make a difference in the world, for the better. I'm such a strong person and I've been through a lot so there's no stopping me now. I want to pursue my dreams and see just what I'm capable of. Welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, which music you listen to, what you look like, how you act, who you hang around with, and on practically every other personal trait and imperfection about you, and you'll be made fun of for being who you are. Enjoy your stay.