f:Richard Goodman 的直播

Richard Goodman @f:100004694347151
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What makes Wholesale 365 different? Why buy from us?

We used to be retailers, just like you. We know what it's like trying to source fashionable and on trend products. So we do things differently. From our warehouse, we sell what we always wanted ourselves back when we were retailers: Quality, Service & Delivery.


We sell a premium product that commands a premium price in your shop. We do not sell poor quality products or reduced price lines. All of our products are strong sellers in their marketplace. If you're a budget operation, targeting those buying the cheapest products, then we're not for you. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a more up-market product that commands higher prices, then we are the wholesaler you want to be doing business with.


We're easy to deal with. We don't require you to open an account to place your first order, our website is custom built just for retailers like yourselves, we handle all major online payment methods, our phone is manned every working day, and we accept returns for any reason for two weeks after your order arrives.


We deliver what we say we'll deliver, on time, every time. We have the items you ordered in stock, and we have them in large volumes. This means that when something sells well in your shop, you can come back to us and re-order with full confidence that we will be able to meet that order.

We process and ship orders every working day, and use two different courier companies to handle those deliveries - all to ensure you get the goods you ordered as fast as possible.