f:Zway Alcarde Live

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Dogs.Crazy.Procrastinator.Vain.A Lover.Science.Disney Channel.Phineas & Ferb.Love.Chocolates.Food

Karizza Zoette Ann Fufunan Alcarde

- is 18 years old (i'm already legal!)
- is an only child
- is a sophomore
- is a very imaginative person
- is very secretive
- prefers to keep things to herself
- hates taking risk for history taught her not to

- reading books
- singing in the shower
- music
- ice cream (specifically choc. flavored ones!)
- any pasta dish!

- to have an Older brother
- to fly (by growing wings or by plane, IDK)
- to be a writer (*)
- to be a photographer
- to be a CSI agent (as if that's gonna happen!)
- to be a computer genius!!! (LOLS)

- 1 pet dog [SHAUN]
- has a complete series of BERENSTIEN BEARS (i'm proud of it!)
- a very supportive imaginary friend (a thing i never outgrew)
- a baby! (she's sammy, my teddy whom i tell all my tales to!)

I ain't good at introducing my self so just feel free to ask me if you want to know more about this little crazy girl.

Someday i'll be ______'s future girlfriend!
(wahahahaha.. asa! but who knows! miracle happens at times!?)