f:Briana Belle Bennett 的直播

Briana Belle Bennett @f:100002311202278
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I've always liked summer but I like the rain a little more that the hot wether it is weird I rather live somewhere where it is wet and cold than somewhere where it is hot everyday I love Oregon but I would move somewhere if I had to I love the cold so I don't want to move somewhere where it is hot everyday I don't mind if it's a vacation just I won't live there I like to watch movies I've watched tones of movies over the years and I love to read right now I'm reading the Twilight saga and I finished the first one in a week I like to be out side hiking and hunting and I like to draw and sing but I'm to scared to sing in front of people because I think my voice sucks my friends think that I hate reading but honesty I love to read my friends don't know everything about me no one knows everything about me I have dark little secrets that should stay a secret my favorite color is blazing blue I have Three dogs and a couple cats I absolutely hate the stupid hashtag thing it is absolutely dumb and I hate when people say cuz instead of because like seriously just say the whole word and I don't care what other people say about me I'm me and I respect my self the way I am so if you wanna change me with your words good luck because they don't bother me at all. I'm always the awkward one in are group when I show up everyone's like oh she's here and for other people it's like oh my God and I'm like just be quiet not ever thing revolve around them it's so annoying but it's okay I don't really pay attention that much I'm not a good communicator  so I never tell anybody what's wrong with me I always have a sad face on so it looks like I'm fine but sometimes I'm not I'm ether mad some days or sad but my friends can't really read me that we'll I'm really good at keeping my feelings in and not blurt them to some who doesn't even care I'm a really good actor so if I don't like someone that I'm hanging around I can act like I like them if I had to so they wouldn't expect a thing  and that are some things about me .