f:Joy Peters's Live

Joy Peters @f:100001955142101
  • Level 1
  • Fanned 0
Married to Chris Peters.  Three adorable kids despite that.  

I don't speak Dutch or French and would never make fun of someone who didn't speak Dutch or French perfectly.  I won't even make fun of you for not speaking English perfectly -- even if its your first language.

I think U2 is horrid, Michael Jackson is a hack and I can only stand about one song worth of Reggae before I want to break something.  I like a lot of local and independent music.  Sometimes, I secretly like country pop, but don't tell anyone.

I have never been forced to listen to my mother shagging a stranger in the next room.  That probably has something to do with why I don't shag strange married men except my own strange husband.

I think the greatest thing you can do is raise children who think for themselves.  The problem with this theory is that they might not agree with me, but I can always have them reprogrammed later if that happens.

My favorite fairy tale is Hansel and Gretal.  My least favorite fairy tale is Cindarella.  Apparently, I prefer thieves to whores.