Live #50579493

01:45 am i a good singer? 04:07 am i pretty? 04:32 emma wilson 04:41 yep 04:50 i can sing 07:06 what song should i sing? 08:04 thanks saulo rodrigus 08:56 idk that song what else 10:51 what song should i sing? 11:42 am i a good singer? 12:16 thanks amiranda471 12:59 my boyfriend is mean 13:12 and forced other girls 13:21 to kiss him!! 13:59 whats ur favorite anima 15:15 thanks ronnysteph 15:38 my eyes are a gold color

Live #50579493

01:45 am i a good singer? 04:07 am i pretty? 04:32 emma wilson 04:41 yep 04:50 i can sing 07:06 what song should i sing? 08:04 thanks saulo rodrigus 08:56 idk that song what else 10:51 what song should i sing? 11:42 am i a good singer? 12:16 thanks amiranda471 12:59 my boyfriend is mean 13:12 and forced other girls 13:21 to kiss him!! 13:59 whats ur favorite anima 15:15 thanks ronnysteph 15:38 my eyes are a gold color
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