(삭제 중)

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A Pisces female is full of womanly charms and at the very first glance, she will look like the girl every guy falls in love with. She looks totally vulnerable, very different from the modern, liberated girl of today. Almost every guy feels like taking her in his arms and protecting her from the big bad world. She is one of those women who stand behind their husbands and support them in every way they can. A Piscean female will never try to dominate her husband. Rather she will like it if you do the usual gallant gestures, like holding the door for her.

She wants her man to love her, protect her and take good care of her. She will lean on him completely, showing full confidence in his strength and abilities. This acts like a solid ego boost to almost every male. She will always be a patient listener, with whom you can share all your secret dreams, desires and hopes. She doesn't have a single masculine streak in her and if you are looking for the typical womanly traits, then Pisces girl is the one for you. She is totally feminine, in all the seasons and at all the places.

She can sit adoringly with you, admiring your each and every quality. The warmth of her personality makes most the men relax in an instant and bask in the glory of their manhood. Enough for the initial falling in and courtship period! Now comes the time of marriage and life after that. A Pisces woman nags just like all the other women and she has a bad temper too. In her fury, she can turn bitterly sarcastic. The consolation here is that she is gentle for more periods, than she is nudging and prodding.